Why Not Compensate US?

Since the new UI was pushed out prematurely with all it’s bugs and frustration, Blizzard needs to fix this. Something needs to be done across the board for ALL players. We pay $15 a month for a FINISHED retail game. What Blizzard gave us in 10.0 was rushed, it was only pushed to us to appease the masters at Blizzard. Sad world when other posters can defend this incompetence.

SIGNED, a paying and concerned player…


I mean theres issues yeah but the ui is hardly one of the big ones. Seriously how are people THIS mad about the ui?


Maybe, just maybe, it’s that bad.

Stop shilling 24/7, and play devils advocate.


yeah iunno, took me like 2 mins to get the ui back to how i liked it. Its seriously not that big of a deal. Certainly no where near the lag causing things like the caching thing, or wintergrasp being nearly unplayable.


hardly that bad. Still working out a few things Im sure…the UI ISNT, however, that bad

stop playing for satans team for a minute and actually accept that the UI isnt as bad as MOST are claiming


I love the new UI. I think my only complaint is that I can only move the talking head frame; I can’t hide it.


when i made my new UI i saved it. that way if i log in and its not correct i just load it back up and i’m good to go


why are people mad?

Easy. Change bad. Stagnation good.

I don’t get it either.


Take that crap outta here

Yeah I understand being a little miffed for a few minutes but the way people are acting is as if ion personally went to their house and pooped on their porch.

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he hasn’t done that to you yet? my wife said it was probably the dogs, but I’m on to you, Hazzikostas.


At least fix it so I can log back in again without the black login screen of death and fatal access violations…

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It is that bad. I’ve been using Elvui for years, and feel sorry for the people given something with that many limitations and bugs.

Your problem is, you dont WANT much customization, so of course you think its great. Other people do, and are confused why the UI offered by the company can only do 1% of what decade-old UI addons can.


Grats on the most ignorant comment of the day.

Don’t mention the countless bugs, confusing editing UI, limited editing options, or the fact it’s caused fan-favorites like Domino’s to be cancelled.


Yeah, I was so happy to see that little box I could uncheck, thinking the talking head would go away. Clearly not, lol. I guess as long as It can be moved out of the way I can deal with it. It was popping up over my important stuff and sometimes Id be in the middle of something lol.

My wife is a bit autistic (well into the spectrum, but functional as long as no one makes any sudden moves or changes and doesnt stress her too much) so I can understand a bit about not liking change.
She gets very agitated if her stuff is moved or our schedule gets changed abruptly.
But this game has changes literally ALL…THE…TIME. lol.
New content. Changed content. The UI HAS been changed in the past. etc, etc, etc.
Its a little hard to take some of the UI complaints seriously.
Some are legit…bugs, small menus, etc.
Other complaints are borderline childish fits.

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then just keep doing that?

uh…UI UPDATE…NOT an addon replacement…didnt you get that memo?

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Why would a default UI cater to those who want heavy customization? Those people are already using addons with significantly more flexibility.

Like the UI isn’t perfect, lacking some features and having some irritating bugs.

But a default UI is never going to be feature heavy, cause it being light is the entire point of a default UI.

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Now go read that TOS you signed…


Show me on the doll where the new UI touched you.

Ehh id say just use some kind of addon. Thats basically what i have done ever since i started.