becuz, mon, you need ta stay away from da voodoo
Well actually we entering the realm of death. I wished the adopt one of the asian style of classes. My favorite was the the wondering palm from the Japan’s mmo game. The host of fun and interesting type of classes. that fit and seem to conform from wow itself. Toa is also a kind of fun class also if anyone likes to play old games. part mage, part thief and all priest. All abilities are not even found in current classes.
Because trolls keep telling us don’t mess with that stuff…
Well that’s what a Troll Priest is suppose to be.
But the Classes are pretty homogenized cultural wise. Priest suffers the most from this.
As much as I would love a witch doctor or a shadow hunter class, it doesn’t seem fair that only two races really thematically fit those classes, and both of them are Horde races.
I’m like 90% sure that the Voodoo is just the troll specific flavor of death magic.
Seems like a cool class skin for shamans to me!
Most troll casters can honestly be attributed to voodoo in some form or another, to be honest, with shaman being the top of the totem pole.
Voodoo gets a lot of undeserved flak.
It’s literally shamanism that was brought over by the slaves from Africa and it survived. But it’s a form of sorcery and priesthood. It can be used to protect you from evil spirits but it’s incredibly volatile and dangerous to the unskilled practicioner.
But it does have a light side. Unfortunately though, a lot who practice it have dark intentions, and feel they have power that others don’t understand.
Because a year later they would add another class thats little more than a reskin called necromancer.
what alliance race uses voodoo? none of’em, that’s why!
It is spelled Vodou if you are talking about the religion.
Not true. There are human Shadow Hunters in stranglethorn vale. They are called Kurzen Shadow Hunter. So that is the only race on the Alliance that does Voodoo. It is not common though. They learned it from the trolls.
Darkspear Trolls, Zandalari trolls, and Orcs take up the path of the Witch Doctor in the lore. Jeeda is a Orc Witch Doctor.
No it’s spelled n-e-c-r-o-m-a-n-c-y.
Gotta be necromancy with this 4 year of a Necro thread.
He has been going thru the old witch doctor threads and necroing them. Basically, Spam.
Idk who brought this thread back up but I’ll add a reply 5 years later.
The short answer is that 5 years later, Blizzard has no care or respect for faction, race, or class identity. Asking for anything voodoo would likely get them in trouble with certain psychopathic demographics that lurk around here anyways. Oh and added bonus, they’re simply lazy even without all of the above here.
But the. They say “come get the voodoo”.
It is all so very confusing. Silly trolls.
And 3/4 of the Shadow Hunter’s abilities are in the Shaman class. All of the Witch Doctor’s abilities are in the Shaman class.