Why not add an RP-PvP server?
It keeps griefing down for RP’ers who would otherwise be forced to play on a pvp realm-type
It allows players the choice of a fully immersive world to literally War-Craft and engage in faction warfare
We’re a mostly mature community of pen and paper, table top – adults
Loyal to the Lore-craft
The fate of RP-PvP demands a blue post 17.5k comments on the main thread with no answer.
I am all for an RP-PVP realm. The only reason they’d refuse would be the expectation that it takes up too much of a % of their realms to have one in every region.
In the US realms they’d need 2. EU would probably need 4, but without language separation you can move that back to 1.
So if they’re only having 10 realms in the US (unlikely) 2 is probably as many as RP as a whole gets budgeted. If they’re having 50 in the US, then 2 should be an easy gimmie.
Because rpers are a plague on society that must be disposed of ruthlessly.
(that was sarcasm)
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+1 for RP-PVP server.
I don’t see why Blizzard can’t just add the realm. How much extra can it put on resources? I like to RP from time to time too.
I am showing my support for RP-PvP realms as well. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t allow at least 1 realm.
If i put my trusty tinfoil hat on, the only reason is paid transfers really, the same reason why EU can’t have national language server at launch (don’t really understand risking some players’ sub if that’s the case
) otherwise it would be to say “look we’ve listened to you by doing the thing we were gonna do in the first place! Aren’t we a great company? Let’s hype it up now”
I dunno. Have you seen Moon Guard???
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We do not speak of such dark matters.
I am just curious what would be different on an RP-PvP server vs a normal PvP server ?
What stops you from RPing, also what is the difference between an RP server and a normal PVE server ??
It isn’t that anyone is stopping it, PK. However, an RP-PvE or RP-PvP server is more likely to have people who are like-minded, and are willing to RP with you. Takes two to tango, after all. RP servers make it easier for people to find others to RP with.
It is now that we perform our charge. In fealty of the God Emperor (our undying lord), and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the server of Moon Guard. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire world, and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial justice account in all balance. The Emperor protects.
What % of the population wants to be on an RP-PVP server. Also, provide references.
Based on retail, it is a niche, but a large enough niche to justify 4% of servers. If there are only 10 servers in a region, that’s not enough to justify 1 server.
I think they should make an exception, but I see where they’re coming from.
If there are enough people for a healthy population, there should be a server for it.
There is no reason to analyze it beyond that simple truth.
We are getting RP servers that’s already a fact, i would really love if anyone could find any data that supports RP over RP-PVP and at what % and or rate. In Vanilla BC wotlk, etc, not in Cata +
Are there? This is the question.
Purely by server counts, RP wins, and most RP and RP-PVP servers were high population through that era.
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I will laugh if the new classic RP server is named Goldshire
As long as the new RP-PVP servers are “Tarren Mill” and “Southshore”.
Problem is most RP servers where “dead” besides moonguard and WRA, what i meant was more player count by server during X years etc.