Why no flying in Eversong

Why? Is there some lore explanation?

A new expansion or patch could fix this.

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No, no lore reason it’s just because it’s old and needs to be rebuilt.

If you’ve ever used a toy to “fly” around there you’d know what a mess it is.


The blood elf areas in particular are a sham. If you flew above them you’d see paper walls with no roofs and gaping holes into the void floating around. They were never designed to be viewed from the air.

They’d have to rebuild a fair bit of it, which is more work to do than a simple toggle flying fix.


Okay so how about let’s fix these things, all around Azeroth… before expanding our maps any further.


I’m not gonna rehash the details but suffice it to say, its an old zone. All the TBC zones are the oldest in the game. But Eversong and Bloodmyst Isle are left overs and were never built for flying. Although Bloodmyst would be fine to enable flying right now since the Exodar is underground. It’s only belf city that is all cardboard cutouts.


We still have to instance into those zones. Its well past time that those zones were brought into the wider EK/Kalimdor instance, especially since TBC is part of the base game now. Trouble is it would be a lot of work and that work isn’t really a priority.


Same reason there is no flying in the instanced Worgen starting area. No value added.

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The local Amani trolls command squadrons of attack dragonhawks and eagles to counter any aerial threat.

That’s all canon btw.


I don’t think they’re against doing it. It’s just not a small project. The blood elf and draenei areas haven’t been relevant in anything since BC. They could take the time to rebuild and add flying, but no one really goes there anyways. So it’s time and resources that could be spent on more important things.

I wouldn’t say never, it’s always possible they could slip it in eventually. But it just isn’t a high priority.


It’s a shame these cities and areas are largely pointless.


Blizzard should hire you.


void elves arent welcome anyway

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A cheap fix would be to make Eversong flyable, but put an arcane dome over Silvermoon and it can be a no fly zone. Eversong on the other hand would be one of the most beautiful zones to fly in, and it’s a shame you can’t.

I always assumed it was done this way at the time because otherwise they would have been the only flyable zones in old azeroth. More likely it was just expedient and/or cheaper to not add, I never did understand why those few zones didn’t get cata remade, seemed like an oversight.

I never understood why they didn’t allow flying in TBC Azeroth zones when they re-made the world for Cata. Also remove the TBC/Azeroth zone divides.

I hope they can change this before the game dies, at least.

Because it’s an isolated area in its own instance and was never built to support flying

Think of Eversong/Silvermoon City like a stage prop. If you go above any of the buildings, they’re mostly hollow shells. Not sure why they haven’t remade them, but I assume it’s due to the fact that they’re out of the way and no one goes to them. Even roleplayers don’t really, these days.

If it was more easily accessible, remade, and less hindered by ground mounts, I imagine we’d see more traffic.

While I’d love that, and I’m certain many Dev’s would too, the RoI just isn’t there at the moment, it’s no small job.

Where to start… so most people above me have covered the salient technical aspects of it. But the critical item is blizz never looks back. They don’t consider eversong or the belf starting area ‘part of the game’ per se. It’s “legacy content” so they really don’t care if something they do breaks it. See the belf racial starting quest that was broken when they changed the belf racial.

Blizz has taken the view that anything not current this patch is basically ‘legacy’ and won’t bother fixing things there. It’s an incredibly short sighted view but it’s how they’ve operated for years and I don’t see it changing.

That said in my opinion they should revise that opinion, treat the entire game as relevant content.