Why nerfing the experience gained from Timewalkings ? Shadowlands leveling is NOT FUN

But why not ? Why shouldn’t the players who have fun in end content only take 3 hours to level from 50 to 60 when they already had to go through 1 to 50 AND will have to go through gearing, collecting all freaking 20 conduits, getting all 80 Renown ( once unlocked ), getting full current content gear, and doing that again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again… ect.

Yup, I have my main, I raid 9 hours a week, I do all my dailies every single day, haven’t missed a single day since the release of SL, I do keys, ect

You’re a literal troll. If we " Whine " right now is because leveling is in a bad state. The only time leveling became fun was with that TW bug, and it was fixed. No no not fixed, CRUSHED.


People were enjoying themselves. Blizzard hates players enjoying themselves like that.


I bet you Blizzard wouldn’t have lost a million MAU’s in the 2nd quarter if they pushed out Torghast leveling in 9.1

Their campaign story mode is neat for maybe the 1st and 2nd time through, flying can expedite the process. But the gameplay has no variation. There will be nothing different between your 1st playthrough, and your 100th playthrough. And that’s an inherent problem. After your players clear it the 1st time, you should have methods for them to find variation in their leveling experience in the following playthrough, otherwise you may as well streamline the process.

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They should have just let the bug ride.

Ion will capture plenty of engagement metrics from the awful grinds after hitting cap.


Torghast would be the only way of having different playthrough. Having different floors type and powers… like ffs WHY CAN’T WE EVER HAVE FUN IN WORLD OF WARCRAFT ANYMORE

With Blizzards blessing, by design, we were able to level quickly, back, in I think BFA, by running AV several times. And it, too, only took a few hours. It was a short term event, they never nerfed it, it came, a bunch of alts were leveled, and it left.

I seem to recall it took me 4 runs to ding my warrior to 120 running that thing.


The XP from the event got slower as you got higher level so it still took a while in AV.

It literally takes like 3 days to level to 60 without really trying lol

Yup I leveled like 6 alts then. Great event, Timewalking should not be 5dgs from 50 to 60, but 10 is good. I don’t agree with 20+. TW is as repetitive, and harder in pugs. Noting that you need 5 more to get the weekly quest after that.


I literally took time off work and played way too many hours leveling toons during that event. It’s things like this that actually bring me back to the game, not vice-versa.

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Actually it was exactly the opposite of what you described, the XP was slower at low levels, but sped up once you got higher up.

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Hey that’s a great idea, I would like Chromie Time 50-60 :heart_eyes:

Would require a maw intro skip though :+1: Unless you’re going to do the intro at 60 lol


I don’t recall it taking that long. I have no memory of running it “every day” for any length of time. I don’t normally play hours and hours a day, but nonetheless, it was certainly accelerated. It was very fast, far faster than questing or dungeon runs.

Perhaps not as fast as today was, but it was fast. AV was busy for a reason that week.

I hope your goal wasn’t to show people it’s dumb to be mad about it. 3 days is a lot even if you play like 3 hours a day. I have 19 alts, 3 days x 19, noting I have only 5 hours of time to play per day with my job… nah.

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3 days is 72 hours. Heck, 3 work days is 24 hours. If you play 2 hours a day, either way, it’s “weeks”, all while trying to keep your dailies up on your main.

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I wouldn’t. As described in the main post, I think Chromie is a scuffed and badly designed system.

I loved having a multi-expansion route before, now you have to do 1 expansion all the way otherwise you have to do multiples intro.

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Everything you tell yourself you “earned” in the game was free. You paid cash for nothing.

This is a videogame that is sold as an entertainment product. If the only thing that you find entertaining is trashing lesser mortals and people like you are the target demographic, you’re going to be playing the game alone very soon. But since you seem to hate people, I’m sure that’ll work out fine for you.


You can go directly to Outland, Northrend, and Draenor without an intro. Intros are necessary for Legion, Pandaria, and some Cata zones, if you want the portals to work. Of course you could get summoned there and set your hearth there.

They need you to buy the boost token to pay for the 2 head of Blizzard now. Cut down one head 2 will take its place. Hail Hydra !!

They cant have “fun” with their employees. why should the players have fun?Nerf it!


Blizz, you dun goofed on this one - so, so badly.