Why Nerf Shield Size?

The article I read on Icy Veins about it said it was because of shoulder clipping.

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i think i saw it on icy-veins

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I wonder if this applies to all non-weapon offhands. In particular there’s one Main/offhand (spellbook) I like to use as a mog but can’t/won’t because at some point the book grew big enough that it cuts halfway through my Voidelf’s leg.

A lot of 1h and off-handers clip terribly on most characters now. Especially with robes.

Which sounds a bit silly given all the other shields/pauldron clipping action outside of this shield skin. Thanks for the heads-up though, you two.

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well good point, but making it smaller feel good.

I agree. Shoulders was their reasoning for the shrinky dink halos, too.

But apparently they can’t be bothered to fix the shoulders and would rather have curled up metal or frisbees.

Whatcha mean by this? Where the ‘vertical halos’ on the back from Kyrian adjusted too? I don’t wear 'em so that’s why I may not have noticed.

This is the character I was referring to, and it’s not with robes. I’m using this book because it’s somewhat better than the one that I actually want to use, because the other one cuts about 3/4 through her leg.

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Priorities obviously, they have to “fix” any meaningless crap that shows up instead of, i dont know… covenants, anima, class balance, bugs, the damm customizations they’ve promissed, etc…


My pally would like to have a conversation about hair (lol, I know, right).

Yes… yes they were.

To reduce clipping issues ironically they need to introduce clippers and get them dam brows and ears clipped on belfs…unless their true power resides in their brows. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is the new version the last photo?

All of those photos are the new version. They also bent the sigils, as well, but it doesn’t look quite as bad as the halos.

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Ohhh, I see the bend, yeah. I was looking for a size comparison. They changed the size and the shape of 'em, eh? Interesting.

Blizzard decided to bend them to make them stay further from the shoulders.

IMHO it would have been smarter to just make them float a bit further from the back, but what do I know? lol


For you!

I enjoy small shield for my Undead, i even prefer old bucklers which are even smaller.

Okay, this made me giggle.



There are plenty of small bucklers in the game for you to enjoy. It was nice to have an aspis.

A shame it’s now a buckler in the buckler bucket.