Why nerf fury not even a month after buffing?

For the first time in a long time fury’s are actually top tier. Why cant we have nice things ?but pallys get a 60% damage buff yes 60%???


Was OP so now it not OP


Also BM hunters are SOL this xpac (ranked 2nd the last) but not seeing any buff

The same reason FKDs got the hammer hard: too much fun detected too early. I mean, sure, maybe gear and stat scaling will balance out 2 seasons from now. But it’s very much un-fun.

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Wasn’t it just Slayer and all that Bladestorming that was op? I prefer to be Thor so I’m a Mountain Thane!

Its not the bladestorm nerf I’m upset about its honestly the odyns fury nerf

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Well yeah that does kinda suck as I use it a lot to help in aoe.

Because warrior is not the only class that exist.

but for over 10 years warriors have never been the best dps at any time, i would figure given the timeframe we would see some action.

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because they’re using diablo devs that doesn’t understand how wow is balanced


buff ret pls what are we doing

Mmmh let’s take a look at Dragonflight.

For the 95th percentile mythic raiding:

  • Amirdrassil: Arms Warrior 1st, Fury Warrior 3rd.
  • Aberrus: Arms Warrior 1st, Fury Warrior 5th.
  • Vault of the Incarnates: Arms Warrior 1st, Fury Warrior 2nd.

Oh yeah, Warriors haven’t been first in 10 years.


You mean the devs that tried to make a horrible knock off of D2 and then utterly failed and turned it into D3 instead? Oh boy.

not since cata anyway

You talking about this upcoming change?

It’s really not that bad for Fury (I main Fury).
10% Bladestorm reduction puts us a little lower in AoE but not by much. 15% on Odyn is a bit more, but still not enough to really take Fury out of a solid spot.

We’ve been up and down just like every other spec in the game. We also killed it in DF. Warrior as a whole actually.

Don’t remember where we were in BfA and SL, but we were also solid through Legion aswell.

Edit: Holy Paladin is getting a damage buff, not relevant when warriors can’t heal and Ret is getting a Nerf to their already lack-luster single target lol.

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Holy Paladins. HOLY. PALADINS. The healer spec. The spec that even as a healer is currently doing complete garbage damage when compared to the damage you’d expect from a healing spec.

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just wait, this is just the beginning of the nerfs that’s coming, going to be a period of unsubs

Ehhhh it’s probably deserved. Weird choice of nerfs though. We kill in single target and they nerf our AoE?

If I were to do the nerfs I would say nerf Raging Blow/Crushing Blow damage instead. It directly effects our insane single target damage (and still hurts the AoE damage some to keep us in check in Mythic+), and the current tuning of the ability has us casting it over rampage even if it overcaps us on rage. Overcapping on rage intentionally just feels bad from a gameplay standpoint, and runs against years of training for seasoned warriors.

But they won’t do that, Blizzard frequently has no idea how to properly balance fury so that it feels good and is effective.

Holy Paladin got a 60% damage buff.
