I didn’t play DF, but I did play BfA and SL.
Fury was ok in Bfa, but Arms overshadowed it in literally every form of content. We had pretty fun self heals though, almost impossible to die as fury. Though, I guess everyone was mega tanky that xpac.
SL started off with us as the worst spec in the game, and it wasn’t particularly close. They took away our 15% haste on enrage and our carnage talent (rampage does 25% increased damage and costs 20 rage less) with no compensation. Shockingly, that hurt the class. Then they spent the next 5 or so patches giga buffing us until we weren’t getting kicked from groups anymore. Then we found out that we could steal an arms conduit (merciless bonegrinder) and cheese it to make us quite decent in M+.
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First time?! Lmao! Bro, check Warcraft logs for every season in Dragonflight. They were consistantly in the top 5. Drop the meme. Fury hasnt been bad in damn near 4 expansions.
They were nerfing and buffing things based on heroic dungeons. It’s a joke.
SO you’re using 5% of the player database to determine how 95% does?
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you could not be any more delusional or wrong
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You’re the one who said “best DPS”.
You don’t look at the best DPS by looking at the bottom of the barrel.
then how come its literally ranked the LAST? All you have to do is google “wow dps rankings”
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They didn’t go far enough, nerf warrior more!
Fury was BIS the entirety of DF, fym? It NEEDS the nerf, Fury in PvP is stupid OP
Blizzard hears you OP, they know you are feeling really damaged right now. Don’t worry they will be adding a repair anvil near the entrance to your heart so you can repair your damaged pride.
Nerfs suck but sometimes needed.
Fury is literally ranked number 1
Im talking about BM hunters, some guy said i was wrong for saying BM hunters were ranked last and i was replying to that
I mean you’re also incorrect about that.
Fire is ranked the worst spec right now.
Lol you can go to warcraftlogs and see fury at the top in multiple different tiers over the past 10 years.
Then why on iceyveins and also wow head they are ranked last?
I just linked you heroic logs which show they aren’t.
Logs > tier lists that are theories at best.
They will never let Fury be tops for long. Mid range is where they are comfortable with them.
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Fury was not tops for the entirety of DF. With the Season 3 tier set and the legendary, it got close. It didn’t stay there.
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