Why must they gate literally everything?

You’d rather run out of stuff to do after a few weeks and have it become a boring case of wait until next quarter?

We play content faster than they create it. Ever since drop rates became > 5% with fewer than 40 people in the raid, that’s been the case.

Because they don’t know how to make you want to log in every day so they split up about a weeks worth of content into 16 weeks worth of ‘progression’ that is timelocked so that you’ll stick around for more then a month.

Its one of WOW’s biggest flaws in recent years, there is really no content to do that isn’t just repetitive hand-me-down content, and I don’t think Team B can even think of a way to create compelling long term gameplay that is fun enough to make you want to log in daily, which is why they force so many time gated daily/weekly chore upkeep on players.

Some of the content may not even be completed on their end for you to do. On top of that, you’d be making the same post next week when you finished all the content and then there’d be nothing for you to do again

you seem to be Oblivious to the fact the Expansion was delayed because it needed more time. this is relevant because content creation takes several months, players complete this content however in a few days.

Unless they do something like “complete 1000 Dungeons to progress the campaign” it is simply not possible to make non grindy content that players cannot beat in a fraction of the time it takes to create it, meaning running out of things to do is the more respectful way of telling players “relax your done for now” the disrespectful way of giving this message is complete 1000 dungeons to progress as its a programmers way of telling “why dont you go dig some holes and ill come get you when its ready”.

They could have let us progress up to the part where we need to kill denathrius. They are already gating the raid…

You have played other mmos before right?
Scratch that, you have played live service games before right?

This isn’t a game like Skyrim, or Cyberpunk, or Assassin’s Creed, where you get the whole main story, live service games, particularly mmos, often release content in waves. Its always been like this.

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I am convinced this person is a troll and no one can convince me otherwise.

The only excuse I can think of is to give people like me some time to catch up with y’all. :joy: I love the game but this gal’s got work to do! Balancing college with a minimum wage job isn’t…great when it comes to available time. So…knowing I’ve got some time before stuff’s released is kinda helpful for me.

I do get the frustration though. You’ve got the time, and nothing to do. Frankly that’s almost worse - and I hope there’s something fun to tide you over in the meantime!

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Gates don’t help with that, if anything by the time you ‘catch up’ with everyone you’ll be so far behind that no one will want to bring you along due to your lack of ilvl.

If the game had a smooth end game progression system rather then hardlocked timegates you’d find people leveling and gearing alts all throughout the expansion, but the harder the gates, the easier it is for a casual player to get stuck in LFD/LFR Hell, and at that point there is no reason for you to ‘catch up’ since you’re effectively solo anyway.

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I mean…I’m not looking to be a mythic raider. :joy: I’m happy to snag a few heroic runs here and there. :relaxed: As long as I’m not like…geared for the expansion beforehand, I think I’ll be set!

Atleast let us get our second soul bind… so sick of most of the systems being walled for weeks

Because quality content takes time and money to make. They can’t push out zones with hundreds of menial little quests in 2020 and expect a positive reaction by players. They need need to make things more interesting. The catch 22 is that it also means they need to spend more time to make them, which means less content pushed out per two year expansion.

So to prevent poopsockers from nolifing all the content in a month and quitting, they time gate things to milk a few couple months out of them. It also keeps things more fair between casuals and diehards.

This is asenine drivel, They have an insane amount of writers compared to actual devs, they can literally pump out quests like clockwork I promise you. The art team isn’t even the bottleneck from what I can tell and thats the usual.

Go look at how many soulbinds they sorted through for each covenant, you’ll see the real reason they get nothing done is because they spend weeks developing and tuning systems that no one asked for to make us slower

80 potential bastion soulbinds… 80

Did you notice genius, the OP is complaining about nothing to do despite your defense of the system in place

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It means take a damn break… You don’t need to play the game for 18 hours a day… Control yourself or be controlled.

I know right.

Spend $15 subscription to be told “You’ve played too much come back next week” like its some crappy F2P phone game.

You do realize that time gating started with MMOs, right? We’ve had weekly/hourly lockouts on raids/dungeons since vanilla. We had rep grinds that were painstakingly slow where you’d get like 15 rep per mob and the mobs were on 5min respawn timers, with maybe a dozen or two spawn locations. We’ve had quest mobs that had 10-30min respawn timers. We’ve had graveyards that were like 2000yds away from ends of a zone, to force you to run back slowly. We’ve had the back and forth quests that took 5-10 min each way.

The list goes on and on. Get your chicken and your egg in the right order. F2P phone games copied a lot of things that MMOs were doing to throttle content to players…

But at least he will have something to do next week instead of not having anything until the next content patch drops.

This would cause complaints as well.

See: Torghast threads

We had weekly lockouts with raids, and that started with WOW, and that was controversial even back in the day (along side capped raid sizes) so yes I know.

But at the same time, in Jeff Kaplan’s own words “Our goal is to give a full time raiding guild something to do every night of the week” And back in the day, we had that level of progression for end game, even with weekly limits. And even the ‘timegate’ of TBC, aka tier 5 attunements were removed really really early before most guilds even got to tier 5.

Now though? Waiting, waiting, waiting, there is nothing really active you can do past a certain point per week, and you can do most of that stuff in a single afternoon with little effort.