Why must they gate literally everything?

Yep Torghast is fun sometimes, but just when u get into it, it’s over.

Because casuals want to feel relevant and they pay the bills.

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Know what’s definitely not going to keep me interested?

Aggressively timegated content with a 90+ minute queue to access it.

A less than zero percent chance I’m sitting in a queue to do maw dailies. Another week of this queue and I’m certainly done.

Because they need as much time as possible to actually make the content we bought.

We should be allowed to timegate our subs then. Rather than giving them the full $15, we should give them a little each day.

If I gave them the money, they’d just spend it all and then complain about having no money. So I need to moneygate my sub.

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Laughs in Activision

But seriously though, the monthly fee is not the problem. Its the fact that we’re not buying an expansion for $60 every year, its more like we’re buying a promise. A promise that the game won’t be boring and void of content for the next year.

because if they didn’t gate the content, then people like you (and even me if i’m honest) would blast through all the content in 2-3 weeks, and then you would be right back here complaining about how there is “nothing to do” until the next patch, and probably just unsub.

While I do think that the whole “time played” argument is MASSIVELY over used about far too many things. this is one case where it actually does apply. they don’t actually care about how many hrs per day you spend logged in, but what they DO care about is how many months you stay subbed for.

drip feeding us the content over months keeps us subscribed for months. i may not “like” it, but I do understand it, and frankly its better for the health of the game on the whole. because the alternative would have each patch becoming a total ghost town within a week or two, and once someone leaves (even if its between patches) it MUCH harder to bring them back than it is to just keep em playing.

I’ve been playing so much since launch. After several hours, I need to log off. There is no reason to spend 10 hours per day on a game just to complain there is nothing to do. Many peeps hit 60 the first day and are already loaded with superior gear.

My main hit 59 today. I can’t play more than that, or it would be a job and not a game.

Time gating protects the game from massive anger from those that spend 8 hours per day complaining about nothing to do. Please don’t get too obsessed about a game.


because if I didn’t gate the money, then people like Bobby (and even everyone else at Blizzard if i’m honest) would blast through all the money in 2-3 weeks, and then they would be right back here complaining about how there is “no money” until the next patch, and probably just stop developing.

While I do think that the whole “money spent” argument is MASSIVELY over used about far too many things. this is one case where it actually does apply. they don’t actually care about how many hrs per day you spend logged in, but what they DO care about is how many months you stay subbed for.

drip feeding them the money over months keeps them developing for months. i may not “like” it, but I do understand it, and frankly its better for the health of the game on the whole. because the alternative would have each patch becoming a total ghost town within a week or two, and once someone leaves (even if its between patches) it MUCH harder to bring them back than it is to just keep em developing.


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hahahaha are you kidding me. If people get DAZED let alone die to an accidentally pulled non-elite world mob they complain and complain and complain. And don’t get me started on the tears when we went from AOE-fest wotlk heroics to cata heroics where mana and cc mattered and Ozruk ripped group after unprepared group apart.

Can you imagine a normal or heroic dungeon in 2020 where it’s hard enough that you think about using cc?

Playerbase has become too casual too instant-gratification-oriented.

Do you even know how current copyright laws work? Blizzard DIDN’T have to make Classic since the way the laws currently work is that copyright lasts the life span of the creator plus 80 years (you can thank Disney for that). By the time WoW becomes public domain every one that is currently playing plus their children will be long dead. It was a PR move.

The mythic dungeons of SL are roughly on par with cata heroics in difficulty. None of it is really that bad.

Agreed, just that the playerbase is allergic to inconvenience, let alone difficulty, now.

Because we consume the game so fast they resort to time gating, rather than have to actually develop more interesting stuff which shadowlands already lacks.

Also because the raids etc are tuned to us being at point A. If we could advance at our own pace they would need to fix that.

The biggest issue is there is very little to actualy do this expansion once you are time gated.

Removing rep grind sounded great till we have the same timegating and same reason to dislike it.

Worst thing is outside mythic plus this expansion will be raid log almost instantly, aside from 1 hour of torg a week and some dailies…

This is why.

16 years x $15 / month + base game of $60 x 8 expansions.

Nice to know if you’ve played non stop since release you paid over 3 grand for the game, AND WHY everything is gated / carrots on a stick.

Don’t forget the risk free rate of return…

Go outside man

Sigh, another complaining post from you. maybe you should find another game.

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I don’t get why you zealously complain that there’s nothing to do because it’s gated, because you would just complain about there being nothing to do because you finished it in two days if it wasn’t gated, and thus would blame Blizzard for releasing it all too soon and leaving you nothing to do until the raid opens in two weeks.

The fact that you stand on your soapbox and wonder why people are heckling you for talking out of both sides of your mouth makes me wonder if you just enjoy stirring the pot, or if you’re actually delusional enough to believe what you’re saying.

Level your professions

Get a head start on your Anima grind while you don’t have to spend a lot of it

Make sure you’re giving your companions the quests that have +1000exp

Grind out your Legendaries so you can craft them immediately when available.

Grind out honor so that you can immediately be top tier when the next upgrade rank becomes available.

Complete all your M0s

Do your Maw dailies.

Now is the perfect opportunity to get a head start on everything you won’t want to grind out later.