Why Mechagnomes Will Definitely Be An Allied Race

Yep! LOT players really, really really want vulperas!

Neutral race? Nope! Vulpera, if put into the game, will be Horde!
Aunt Blizz did not like having pandarens as a neutral breed!

Just imagine a gnome only world.

Whatever was left on high shelves would go undisturbed for years.

Agreed on this its as bad as the allied race orc, tauren and lightforged just a simple change in arms and legs whoa its different enough to be called a new race.

The great creator was not a mechagnome.
He was a titan keeper.

He created the race of true mechagnomes. perfect robots.

The new mechagnomes are not robots. they are cyborgs. They are mere imitation’s of the true race of mechagnomes.