Why Mechagnomes Will Definitely Be An Allied Race

It’s complicated.

First there were the original Mechagnomes. They were robots created by Mimiron to assist him with everything.

Then came the Gnomes. Mechagnomes afflicted with the curse of flesh, developing free will.

Now the Gnomish King Megatron decided that flesh is bad so he is forcefully transforming his subjects into cyborgs. Those are the BfA Mechagnomes.

Essentially King Mechagon is like the Garrosh of Gnomes. He has a vision of a world the way he wants it to be and he thinks he is in the right for wanting so. He wants the pure mechagnome master race.

Something that bothers me is will the mechagnome parts work on forsaken (given a solution to their rotting condition) or will they break the lore and state there is no cure for a mechagnome?

Perhaps many mechagnomes of Rustbolt are happy as cyborgs, but just don’t want to go full machine.

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Not even King Megatron himself seems to want to go full machine…


Thats what i’m hoping for but BfA has overlooked the lore such as the night elven dark rangers.

He probably wants to but is having some major complications doing so. Replacing his brain and vital organs would be a very problematic and risky task.

Hmmm, wait wasn’t Vulpera the Horde equivalent of the Mechagnomes for Alliance? :thinking:

A lot of player were complaining about that earlier on the forums… :sweat_smile:

I for one welcome all AR as they add more choice and customization to play one’s WoW fantasy preference. :grin:


But that doesn’t explain why he is keeping his flesh pelvis…

What if he felt nude with a metal pelvis and wore his underwear exposed?

Makes sense… I guess…

But he could just wear pants… I wish he would wear pants…

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He seems insane, probably thinks pants would betray him.


My guess is that he wants to keep his “Curse of the Flesh” intact! :rofl:

There is a lot of false rumors going around and of the common one’s is Vulpera connection to goblins. Vulpera are nothing like goblins.

  1. They aren’t the goblin racial type.
  2. They haven’t shown evidence of super intelligence on par with that of goblins and gnomes.
  3. They aren’t hustlers and the money hungry sort.
  4. They don’t have a backstory connecting them directly to goblins.
  5. They are physically very different from goblins in many ways. Their main similarities is with the rig and size, but even if you shave them. There are some noticeable differences.
  6. They haven’t shown any history of similarity with gnomes either or rivalry with that them puts them as their proper counter.

Further more. All allied races released so far have always been the same racial type. Not a single race has been an exception to this.

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All of that also applies to Pygmies. Yet Pygmies and Goblins are related by Canon Lore from Chronicle.

Maybe the Vulpera are Pygmies that were blessed by a Fox Loa with survival skills :smiley:

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We are the Gnorg : Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.

Resistance is futile


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Hmmm, it is true I did find funny how a lot of people though the Brew Icon was Vulpera when in fact it clearly was reference to Pandaren! :rofl:

I guess a LOT of players really want Vulpera! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Maybe they get added as Neutral AR who can say now a days! :man_shrugging:t2:

The Icon is literally labeled Vulpera in it’s name.


And it has the same fox tail ornament as Vulpera caravans.

That maybe true, however where is the Icon for Pandaran, we are clearly missing a race? :thinking:
Also that type of Brew bottle looks almost Iconic to the one Brew master use in one of their spec…

Only the Allied Races and Vulpera got an icon this patch.

Besides, if the Pandaren have anything in abundance, it’s beer icons lol