Why LGBT Representation matters

yes… in some place far away from wow and from me just wanting to have my fun and my distance over thrash politics and chaotic human relationship disagreement that i couldnt care less!

What else is new?

Fair point. I’ve never understood why you troll these LGBTQ threads, but I guess you’re consistent!

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Are you really thankful that a faceless corporation is just now shoehorning in LGBT characters for brownie points instead of doing it because its the right thing to do? Until they keep them in the Chinese release of the game and actually put Morals above Money, if I were in the LGBT community, I wouldn’t be happy that my sexuality is being co-opted for corporate greed.


Rlly thankful for your contribution to this thread. Love to see it.

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No it does not…

I know its easy to disregard someones opinion because they do not belong to a made up identity based around something so benign as sexuality, but its not healthy to the conversation so either post a rebuttal or keep your smooth brain comments to yourself.

What? All I was doing was thanking you for your opinion. It’s great to hear from people who sexuality as being benign about what they think of representation, and even what they think of healthy conversation.

Tbf, the way you quoted makes it easy to confuse

I get bored too easily :sob:

You are, at most, 4 percent of the adult population (and some studies have placed it much lower). No, you do not need ‘representation’ for an abnormality.

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I’m just quoting what he’s saying. Maybe he’s being confusing?

Care to share some sources? I’ve seen about 7% as a conservative estimate with some getting higher by generation differences.

:woman_shrugging: Here I am

What i meant is that your comment looks sarcastic

Well I’m not sure how to respond to that. I’m just stating my thoughts?

I don’t have anything against LGBT whatsoever, but it kinda borks me that if two male characters are close and intimate friends, they are instantaneously shipped as a gay couple nowadays. To me, it spoils the idea of kinship/friendship, which seems something more immediate and scarce in the world right now.

Passion, on the other hand…

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You assume you would think the same if you were lgbt and the accompanying life experiences?

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You should see the show. Someone has to die. On netflix. Their is some of that in there.

I have never understood the need for representation in a fantasy game, and I’m bi, not that it matters.

First off, it’s not a dating game. Second, characters can’t actually date or get married. Third, characters can’t have sex. Fourth, specifically for the T people, just make a character like your real self and go kill some mobs.

I’ve been playing since 2004 and never once come across an NPC and thought, “oh, I wonder who they’re dating?”



I mean, as an MtF individual I fall into that banner. I also suffered a lot of abuse at the hands of classmates which included a month of just getting straight beaten up after school. I still have the same opinion as they do.

This idea that someone’s opinion is invalid because they haven’t lived the exact same life and saying “if only you knew how bad things really are you’d change your mind” is more of a cop out than an actual argument.

People are individuals first and foremost. Just because someone is gay will not determine their personal politics, they might be more receptive to some ideas but there is nothing that says you’ll end up in the same place as somebody else if you take the exact same steps.

Look at how people handle criticism for example. Someone calls them bad and some people just shut down entirely or delude themselves into thinking that person is just toxic and they’re great. Some people like me see it and say “Oh maybe I could improve some stuff, I’ll read more into my class after this and see if I got it all right.”

Those are two outcomes for the very same scenario.

It’s easy to say things like that when your not the person going through stuff is all I’m saying. Especially if you are interested in the activism of the community. We thank those in the past for what they went through for the privileges’ we have today. We don’t all go through the same things, some people are lucky and live in a nice bubble. Some communities and locales aren’t as accepting. It’s nice not having to worry about certain things, that’s a nice privilege we have today.

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