Ok you have a point there. But that’s also my point about fighting for everybody to be equal.
Wait till you find out that Asian folks have to score higher than everyone else on SATS to get in.
I mean. You’re aware of social systems, but don’t want to talk about the several hundred years where they benefited very specific people and literally no one else? Inherited wealth? Long lasting repercussions? Hello? Sweetie, be careful because trying to bring up “Social systems” doesn’t end where you think it does lol
We are all equal in the eyes of god. Humanity on the other hand has a very difficult time of viewing anything as equal as a lot of humans have a “god complex”. Many wars and killings have been waged due to differences in skin tone, height, nationality, religious view, hair color, you name it.
You don’t even have to go that far back, the housing discrimination wasn’t that long ago at all, there are still a ton of affected poc from that
spits coffee across the room
Agreed but when one says it’s unnatural who is to say what is natural or unnatural. That is not for any of us to decide. Now for me if my best friend wants to marry her girlfriend then i find that perfectly natural but that’s how I see it.
You’re right. Like, it’s within a lifetime. There are people still alive who experienced all of this and a lot of the work to undo it hasn’t been done yet.
As I described in a recent post. There are two genders. Two genders used to produce new and more life. If two beings of the same gender come together they can not produce life between the two thus “unnatural” in terms of the cycle of life. But If people of the same gender want to be together go for it. I have 0 issues with it. As long as they are happy consenting adults there should be no problem.
Yea, there are even still Karen’s that call the police at the sight of an african american man walking on the street. It’s very similar to how housing company’s called african american’s “risk factors”
Agreed on that aspect I’ve been to war seen some gd awful things. Did things I will have to live with in defense of myself and my brothers and sisters. I’ve bleed with people only to come back and have them told they aren’t welcome somewhere because of race and orientation.
Idk why you and Kynerata are arguing, both of you seem like really reasonable people but with different beliefs.
Unless you all never were and just debating.
Differences causes conflict, and with conflict causes resentment. We can not change each others views, but we can accept how they are and move on. This isn’t the first time someone has judged me poorly and with such disdain because i was a christian or a straight white male. Nor does it matter to me. They aren’t factors in my life. My only issue is how I can’t be honest and open with my opinion without getting hammered down. Its like only if their opinion matters above all others and if you don’t agree you get smited down. I don’t smite others for differing opinions but they do, cause i’m not them.
Actually gender disphoria is a thing. Even gender non conforming or commonly known as non binary. I know quite a few people like that. Haveing sex is not the only way to reproduce. One of my closest friends and her wife used a donor so they could have a child
Not to beat a dead horse, but Danuser said various sexuality-based phobias literally don’t exist in Azeroth nor will they, so how is a non-straight relationship any different? Fundamentally, they are exactly alike in Azeroth, ignoring physical differences involved. What makes them inherently different? You think the writers will suddenly become better writers when making non-straight characters?
We’re going to have Flynn going “MATHIAS! MATHIAAAAS!” just like Tyrande crowing for Malfurion.
They could just rent an apartment and get another job to support their families.
I know about donors and all that. Not to sure about this whole non gender binary thing. Nor do i think my opinions would be well perceived in this environment. I really don’t wish to get silenced because i have a differing opinion so its a topic i’m going to have to pass on.
We have our differences, he is religious and disagrees with some stuff I believe. I’m an apostate from a hyper religious group known as Jehova’s Witness’s which is practically a cult so I have extreme views on religion and disagree with his stance on lgbt folks. But as a person he’s alright, I don’t hold it against anyone. Also, why would you call me reasonable lmao, I’ve said a lot of things about you.
Now keep in mind this is the kind of back and forth I like. We are not bashing each other and keeping it rational. Plus you seem like a very intelligent individual which makes this back and forth possible. Yes people will hate on you for your views and people hate on me for mine and I feel sorry for them. So thank you for keeping this respectful
That you did, but I’ve lurked enough to know you’re just as outspoken as I am and personalities who are similar causes conflict.
Tbh I don’t even remember the things you’ve said. I have the memory of a goldfish.