Really get over yourself . I’ve said plenty of times if the addition has a purpose and adds to the expansion in a meaningful way and not just because a lgbt character must be added. If they just add LGBT character just because it will end up being a stereo type.
Also I gave you a more viable solution on how to possible get the stuff you want in game. Devs don’t come to GD .You would be lucky to see them in any of the forums outside of the Beta test ones. Once again if this is seriously something you want then start a twitter account and post your wants to the devs @warcraftdevs
I don’t are about anyone’s relationship. I could go another 15 years in this game and never hear about anyone’s relationships and be happy as a clam.
I don’t play this to hear about who has a crush on who and who is a couple. Every story that include this narrative was so superficial and one level it was like a cheap dime store harlequin novella. Cringe worthy.
There’s a right and a wrong way to approach cultural issues. Laying out bait so you can name drop people in some effort to rally support and dog pile and feel morally superior in the process, it’s a real piece of $#&^ move, practiced regularly by real piece of $#&^ people…
If there’s one thing I hate, and you should all hate, it’s people that hide behind cultural issues while slinging crap at everyone. That’s often what this is, unfortunately.
Yea you can make every character straight and there’s 0 issues
But oh god you better walk on egg shells if a character is gay because that’s a big huge issue apparently cuz people will say its forced/shoehorned/pandering instead of just accepting the fact some people are gay
Or just plain make up conspiracy theories like pushing an agenda or other crazy assumptions. Can’t imagine the mental gymnastics to have those thoughts
It’s about respect. When you are in a minority, any minority… you face a harsh reality that you are in someone else’s house. That’s just the way it is, and if you’re disrespecting someone in their house, you’re clearly not there to make friends.
Any time you see someone “make demands” of a group they’re clearly not a part of, and responds by slinging crap at anyone who disagrees, that person immediately forfeits any legitimate argument they may have had.
If people think they can just walk into these spaces and “shout” until they get their way, like a child throwing a temper tantrum at a mall, it says a lot about who you are, and what you’re saying.