Why LGBT representation in games matters:

We need a filter so we just dont see threads with filtered words in them lol
/thread muted.


I don’t think so. Its a sad cry for attention when you already have it in game yet are NOT happy with what was presented. NO for what I see and read here is like the high elf people / void elf they want more and will never stop with the complaints till they get what they think they deserve. Like wise this whole representation nightmare is so far out of hand they want the whole game LGBT and from what I see on the Net the fan fictions are down right creepy and disturbing HOW about keep it out of the game NOT everyone is going to support this and your just making more people turn away from it.

Sometimes I really wonder do some of you realize you are the LGBT group worst enemy…


Honestly, this did not need another thread.
They are getting a bit spammy at this point and I’m pro-representation.


As 3 cats in a trench coat…meow.


I don’t care if you don’t think so.
Your feelings are not the only valid ones on this topic.

The worst enemy to all type of equally is people who think because a certain group is a minority their feelings and opinions don’t matter.


I feel so good theres a gay moose in a video game… blizzard finally listened the playerbase. yea right


Same here but these threads are not well-intended.


They are very much valid just like everyone else’s you are caught off guard by the fact some who are LGBT are getting fed up with you people claiming you speak for everyone. Here is a fact YOU DO NOT,SPEAK FOR ANYONE BUT YOURSELF. STOP SAYING YOU DO.


Clearly I don’t play enough games, because I have no idea who those two dudes on the thumbnail are :confused:


The girl is Ellie from The Last of Us…

Dude on the Left is a Tevinter Mage from Dragon Age: Inquisition… Dorian Pavus… looked it up. Can’t believe I forgot his name. He was hillarious.
Don’t know the dude on the right.


Yes, it is very important to include members from our community within movies, tv shows, and video games. Very good post, OP.

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Forcing “representation” of gender issues / sexuality / religion / etc is the easiest way to get people to hate you.

So… points:

  1. This is a game - keep IRL out of it!
  2. Most people don’t want to know, nor do they care, about your IRL lifestyle. That applies to LGBT+, straight, cis, furry, Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Buddist, etc… Forcing them to “deal with it” will only make them hate you.
  3. As an RP game where your character is a major player, you HAVE your representation right there! Your character is whatever you want to make them. If you want your character to be a trans, furry, pastafarian then that is what they are. If you want to share that with others, great, but keep in mind that their viewpoints are just as important to them as yours are to you. They may accept it, they may not care, they may hate you. Point is, your character IS your representation.
  4. Almost all of these LGBT threads, including this one, are most likely trolling just to see what kind of responses people give and what people can get away with because Blizz is too afraid to shut them down.

If only a large chunk of these threads weren’t thinly veiled “I want Anduin to be paired up with Wrathion because I think it’s hot” (or because they don’t like Anduin and thus wanting to see Blizzard pair him up with a guy will ‘confirm’ their inward bias that attractive, empathetic, peace-loving male= MUST be gay. >_>;

It’s to spite both camps that I hope they marry him off to Taelia ASAP just so they’ll be quiet. How about asking for new, well-written characters instead of stamping your feet and demanding Blizzard change pre-existing characters to suit your fanfiction fantasies?


Trolling and arguing aside, the Night Warrior and his husband in the Night Fae story were a great example of representation being done in an organic way.
You’re just helping someone help the person they love while trying to find out how to help Tyrande.


This one didn’t work out - Try again tomorrow.


yeah… that blonde’s hydrogen peroxide takes the oxygen out of her brain.

don’t make references to videos of youtubers who don’t know where they are standing and don’t know anything about the knowledge of the history of video games please.

How do we know that a lot of the characters in the game aren’t LGBT? That side of things is really not explored much in this game outside of a few instances.


It doesn’t.

Stop trying to hijack every platform in sight to push RL issues.


Go on.

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My wife and I were hoping we’d get a scene between Jaina and Sylvanas at some point, lol.