First, of the 5 races that can be paladins for alliance, 2 are draenei and 2 are dwarves. The human paladin is an iconic warcraft class, and denying the only other human race is tantamount to blasphemy.
Next, Kul Tiran’s have one of the best tanking racials with ‘brush it off.’ In reality, they should be one of the defacto tanks, alliance side, given their huge size and bulk. The fantasy of the bulky giant crusader is all there in the kul tiran.
Then there is just the simple fact that the race needs a boost in numbers to feel more relevant. Allowing them to be paladins would be a big step in making this happen.
The lore isn’t hard to piece together. Drustvar has many holy sites, churches, and the order of embers. Plus being side by side paladins since the early days of warcraft.
How do you figure? Similar to tauren, their deity would be different is all. They are already a race of warrior priests, now royally pissed off and righteous, and imbued with raw power from said deity.
Qouting myself, since you missed a bit. Tauren work because their “paladins” use abilities powered by the sun. Blizzard didn’t need to reskin them.
Night elves would require a reskin for it to aesthetically make sense.
I will eat my words if they ever do, but I am almost positive that they will never reskin the abilities and that night elves will never get paladins. Same deal with Kul’tirans.
I suppose they could hamfist some lore to make it work but I don’t see it happening.
I joke about not liking them but I’m not necessarily opposed to them, just sharing the reasons why I doubt they’ll ever happen.
I misunderstood you. I thought that you were talking about night elves.
No, you’re absolutely right that Kul’tirans DID have paladins, but Blizzard chose to retcon them and as of right now, the Kul’tirans do not seem to worship the light at all.
Also, keep in mind that much of the fighting in Warcraft 2 was as a united Allied Army. Think WWII Allies.
Sure there were Army groups commanded by Montgomery, or Du Gaulle, but overall Command was Eisenhower. And both Monty and Du Gaulle had support elements from the US Army intermixed with their forces at various times.
Paladins in use by Kul Tiran forces in the Second War could simply have been Silver Hand Knights on loan or assigned to that force for that mission/battle/campaign.
Why? Because these humans that haven’t lived Stormwind or Arathi culture in over a thousand years need to be exactly like the others? Not to mention the fact that they’re actually Gilneans, who also didn’t have much of a culture as far as paladins go.
They got druids and shamans. That’s the niche for them.