I highly doubt it. He’s going to abdicate his position or die. Those are the only things I see coming for him.
You haven’t been doing the quests have you? He has no more position because what you said already happened. The kirin Tor is gone now and being rebuilt but he isn’t doing to because he’s in recovery.
But no, he isn’t going to die. And he still can cast magic
This has been my prediction for a long time now.
So, it looks like they
Thing is he will still be in the story.
There isn’t a diaper big enough for megachad dad.
I highly doubt it.
He was an MCU Hulk. He was a terrible plot inconvenience. He’s one of the most powerful mages in the history of Azeroth, and realistically he should be solving a lot of the plot points in any expansion by himself. Obviously that can’t happen, so his power is being stripped away and he’s being sidelined… just like the Hulk.
The only thread of hope that he stays in the story is Medivh, which, is going absolutely nowhere… so, yeah, they sidelined him and that’s that.
I’m assuming we’ll get one more legendary weapon quest from him at some point and then he will go off to retire with his new girlfriend… I forget her name.
Also, the voice actor is almost retirement age, if not past it if I remember correctly. So they’d need a new voice actor or to retire the character provided there’s no AI recordings, as those are a thing now to keep using actors after they’re dead/retired.
Yeah, that’s a fair point too. One of the problems with a game being 20 years old.
“WoW sucks!” Me: “Yeah, well what’dya expect when it got old enough for alcohol?”
why dont you just heal your eyes back, demon hunter? oh whats that? you cant? destroyed entirely by magic? see why dadgar cant fix his legs now?
To be fair, I think they sort of prefer their weird Daredevil sight.
yeah from what information and cinematics were getting he’s not broken by any means, he’s just in an overall low energy, drained, hurt state where he just needs time off his feet to recuperate. i dont think they need to go amputating anything just yet
reminds me of a guy i know IRL, he had a fart jam under his ribs and couldn’t use the washroom for a single day so he rushed himself to the emergency room and self diagnosed himself with a necrotic pancreas that was slowing eating away at all his other organs and was going to die if he didn’t get surgery immediatley.
doctors said he was fine, just a fart jam, but this guy was on all medias posting how it was his last days on earth if he didn’t have this self diagnosed necrotic pancreas removed.
“Khadgar, you say your a bit tired and drained of energy? guess you wont be needing those legs anymore then huh?”
His crush from my understanding made the chair so tbh… i think it’s cute.
I mean, look at mechagnomes legs. I wouldn’t want something like that either. Imagine if he wants to use pants xmogs someday…
We’re just coming at this thing from every angle now to ensure there’s always a thread going, I see.
He thinks they are wind-up toys.
As long as his wheelchair has D.R.I.V.E, I will be happy.
There’s nothing wrong with his legs.
The wheelchair is to imply that he’s just physically weak all together, and needs assistance getting around until he’s regained strength.
He can walk, and does stand up in a short story that was released over the holiday season.
The chair is temporary. No need for a big mecha suit when he plans on just hanging around cities for the time being.
Nothing wrong with his legs. He is comfy in a chair his crush made.
Magic you don’t need repairs and it doesn’t fall apart or malfunction.
Khadgar doesn’t trust gnomes or goblins he seen too much.
Magic never failed Khadgar and he can customize his wheelchair anyway he wants it.