Why keep complaining about PVP?

I think Druid pretty much fits every mold of your last line there.

I like watching RBG streams. Arena Iā€™ll watch because Iā€™m trying to learn how to play it better, but youā€™re right, as far as sheer entertainment goes I donā€™t find WoW overly fetching. Which is odd considering I can watch snooker and golf for hours and not get bored of it.

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I know this topic is about not complaining but Iā€™m really tired of not being able to cast AT ALL without full 5-6 second lockouts. It seems like DR is non-existent.


Itā€™s definitely broken and the pvp vendors now are garbage and still donā€™t allow those just into bgs to get gear that competes. Time cap, honor cap and even if they grind for the gear itā€™s not as good ā€¦ its nonsense

They basically fired their whole esports workforce. Blizztivision saw little profits in it and doesnā€™t care about it anymore, thatā€™s what happened.

You are doing better than my casters, which donā€™t even live 5-6 seconds. As soon as someone sees a cast bar Iā€™m pushed down the shower drain like an errant turd.