Why itsn't droping darkmoon artifact this character?

Well, one thing I do know about the Adventure Guide (I carry them myself) is that they’ll only cause the turn-in items to drop in level-appropriate dungeons.

I don’t know what level-up course you’ve taken, but RFC and Atal Dazar / Freehold cannot possibly be “level-appropriate” at the same time, I don’t think.

Correct me if I am wrong, but if you chose nothing, then AD and Freehold would be level-appropriate, because it defaults to BfA if you don’t do Chromie Time. If, on the other hand, you chose Cataclysm, then I think RFC would be level-appropriate.

I guess if you are running BfA dungeons on that toon, you probably didn’t choose a Chromie Time leveling path, but please let me know if that’s not right.

Perhaps try some other BfA dungeons?

yes, with darkmoon adventure guide drop darkmoon artifact in all dungeons.

i level 20 restoration shaman have appropiate level because range level is 10-50 atal dazar, freehold 16-50, ragefire chasm 7-30.

this horde restoration shaman 35 dungeon (atal dazar, freehold, ragefire chasm) drop 0 darkmoon artifact but with my another character aliance hunter survival 2 dungeon (atal dazar and freehold) droped 1 darkmoon artifact.

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Did you ever get the darkmoon items to drop? I haven’t seen one in a long time.

I’m not sure if they are still around, Missingmining.

I am not able to find a confirmed bug on this one so I’d recommend starting with the following:

  • Make sure you have the Darkmoon Adventure Guide in your inventory
  • When Darkmoon Faire is available, try destroying your current guide and picking up a new one from Selina Dourman.

If you feel that something is amiss, please submit a bug report so our QA team can take a look. The more samples they have the better the chances that they’ll be able to verify if a bug exists.


You need to make sure you are doing level-appropriate dungeons as well. A level 60 won’t get them doing Deadmines for example.

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Does anyone know if Chromie time factors into this issue?

thanks, i’ll repick up the guide ty. but ya, this has been a while and I’ve seen nothing after returning.

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update. the darkmoon items started to drop for me after the update. I was just about to pull my folder and start over. Then dropping go fig. Now I’ve started getting them regularly again. The more trashy the dungeon the better for those. I use to love motherload because it was basically more trash than dungeon. So, can’t wait for bfa timewalking.

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