Why isn't there a Ilvl req for bgs?

that is actually referring to the map, nothing more

It’s really no diff than last patch in wod. Alts were useless, and the only way to gear was BGs or Ashran. At least now you get gear from everything so it’s less low ilvl players queuing up.

its really disingenuous to say its fine because gear is easy to get

news flash, it may be easy yet people still dont do it and the games suffer

it was still better, at least there was a difference between pve and pvp gear

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It wasn’t better though. The gear gap was still huge.

With the scaling, it’s about the same. Otherwise 80k would literally be a 1 shot.

lmao the scaling is hardly noticeable now

i want to see you play a bg at 280 ilevel and watch how you do. the “scaling” makes little difference

I wouldn’t even know how to get to 280 ilvl. Like I said, boosted toons start at 390

you get there by leveling normally

Well like I said, they should scale them to 390, maybe even 400. If you boost (just used my free one the other day) you sit at 390.

No, nothing has ever been worse than the current power curve.


Maybe you forget, it’s okay.

that doesnt make it a good starting point for pvp in this patch. the best bg specs can probably make it work but its not enough to be decent on just anything

its not like we have huge tool kits with lots of room for counter play in bgs anymore either. a geared dh will just press a few buttons to end them

But if you are just starting out, you shouldn’t be as good as people who played for the entire xpac, or even a few days. This is what it means when “gear matters” which is what people asked for. I was highly content with Legion.

Maybe some. I saw a lot, including myself, expressing we wanted gear to matter in the sense we wanted to be able to pick our stats. The allocated stats for some specs made pve to PvP feel completely different and terrible. I never once stated that I wanted to out gear people. I simply didn’t like having zero choice.

420 would not be as good as people who have played the entire expansion. those people are like 450+ now, where have you been?

… or even a few days. 390 would be a good starting point.

i want to see you play a rogue or warrior at 390

Hell, I couldn’t play a rogue or warrior at 450 :rofl:

Im hitting near 465 equipped for pvp