Why isn't there a Ilvl req for bgs?

450K melts in seconds. But thank you for the lesson on gear gap.

glad i could help, if 450 melts fast than the 100k people might as well not even be there

you had a very confused take on things before i stepped in. classes just are not deep enough to outplay that big of a gear gap. a dh will press three buttons and kill the fresh player regardless of skill

the “gear doesnt matter” crowd will never admit this no matter how true it becomes. its very true right now already

Fresh Alts! Spending more time on that PvE cloak quest… ain’t nobody got time for dat.

We’ve heard this argument in every expansion, “I’m too good to play with the under-geared or players that don’t know how to play.”

You need to make a Rated group and have fun so you don’t play with the unwashed masses. You are pretending you lose a match in Random BG’s because of under-geared players. That’s not the reason, and it’s barely an issue in this expansion since players get gear so easy.


disagree with all of that

they could fix this with tighter scaling or an ilevel requirement of at least 400. probably should be higher for this patch

pvp was a lot better in wod and legion.


Can agree. Rated Bgs are much more fun and everyone is usually 440+

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We had a guardian druid running flag one night, he was unstoppable and his hp was ridic af. I actually had a twinge of feel bad for the horde because of it.

thats not an excuse to not fix randoms. they can and should be a lot better like they were in the past

Last random I did a few days ago had nothing to do with gear. We had players ignoring objectives. How do they fix that?


Yeah pre den mother nerf druids had alot of hp they still do but noticing other tanks kept up seen 3 blood dks now with over a million

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thats not an excuse to leave the gear issue like it is now. this thread is about gear not looking for any excuse imaginable to ignore the problem

The only thing I think they should do is increase the ilvl to boosted status, 390. If you’re below that, then raise it to that.

390 is too low. if they are going to do that they might as well do it right and make it like 420 now

some specs do better than others with less gear, but 420 would be enough for everyone

the blue stuff that drops is 425, so a little under than makes sense

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Would be a fine starting point.

rogues and warriors would be pretty useless at 390 now. its really not enough for them

I believe it. My BDK sits at 565k in utter trash gear right now. Her gear score is only 437. She’s the last retail main to get attention so she’s lagging in gear, but yeah, could easily see her hp soaring to crazy lvls if I put some time into her.

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Do the cloak quest and a couple world quests. Jumps that ilvl up quick. I went from 387 to 433 in just a short day or two.

How about heroic dungeon then, that requires an ilvl

i know you can do that, but yet a lot of people still queue up under 400

i cant make them all do it, but blizzard could make this a simple fix like we have had in the past