And since you’re lying I’m not hurt at all. I mean really, it’s moronic to think anyone is hurt by anything anonymous complete strangers say to each other here. Do you actually think anyone is hurt by your insults? Are you hurt by me insulting you? The truth here is that your posts are moronic but the truth doesn’t hurt.
All you have to do is read between the lines and notice how no1 is asking for or expecting Cata, even MoP, era servers when they run their course.
It’s the retailers again consuming relatively new content like locusts, leaving a barren wasteland of an expansion behind.
That’s nonsense. There’s two groups, those who want to progress through the expansions and a tiny fringe group that feel in love with one particular expansion and claim to want to play it forever. It doesn’t matter what the game is the vast majority want to play a game for a while, then move onto the next expansion or a different game. If it’s Grand Theft Auto most players want to move to GTA 2, then 3 then 4 then 5. Almost no one plays Baulder’s Gate. They’re playing Baulder’s Gate 3. People played Morrowind, then Blood Moon, Oblivian, Skyrim.
There was a small but not insignificant number who fell in love with Vanilla wow and claim to want to play it forever. A much smaller number who fell in love with BC. And almost no one who fell in love with wrath. You can see it here with almost no one asking for wrath era compared to the requests for Vanilla era or BC era. All that’s left is the vast majority of us who get bored playing the same game after a couple of years and are ready to move on.
It’s the hype-train demographic being herded around like cattle by the company and its liaison of in-game players like you that drive this culture.
And the only way we’re going to show you how wrong you are is through voting by wallet.
It’s the demographic that drives every gaming company. It transcends age or the type of game people like to play. The largest demographic in the gaming industry. The players who finish a game and want to move on to the next game, be it an expansion or a completely new game. If that demographic didn’t drive the gaming industry there would be no wrath for you to love and fixate on. Blizzard would have just sold vanilla forever.
Would the same thing have happened if they have started with Wrath and worked downwards towards vanilla?
I only came back to classic to prepare for Wrath. I got unfairly counted as part of the vanilla-classic playerbase when I wanted Wrath, or even TBC, all along.
He’s not grounded in reality, you are wasting your time.
Says a known gaslighter.
You should know what words mean before using them. As if this accusation carries any weight of truth to it to begin with.
You had no idea there would even be a Wrath Classic. They didn’t even announce TBC Classic until Classic was almost over.
Just be happy you got Wrath at all.
Something a gaslighter would say.
A gaslighter talking about truth? That’s rich.
You argue for bot ai party members.
You also refuse to play the game, and insist that you’re better than others as they are “cheaters” at 1575 elo in arena.
Ironforge(dot)pro → Wafectus → evidence right there.
You have no authority to even pretend your opinion has relevance whatsoever in regards to this game.
So true, there were speculations of course but no one knew for sure whether or not Blizzard would actually progress Classic into TBC and once it did I think everyone knew that they wanted it to keep doing. WotLK didn’t surprise me, Cata didn’t surprise me and if they continue onto MoP, WoD, Legion, etc. it wouldn’t surprise me. I’d be curious to see how far it goes but other than that I don’t see the progression server ever stopping.
I even think the increased release schedual of Cata to be related to the World Soul Saga having an accelerated release schedual, so that the progression servers and the retail servers stay far apart in expansions.
I think the last thing Blizzard wants is the progression server catching up to Retail.
He also wants the best PvP gear without putting in the effort to get it.
I’m looking forward to the dumpster fire Cata will be a month after it’s release honestly
Not going to happen so I hope you don’t get disappointed.
Ok, you continuing this shows otherwise.
I’m already disappointed with the re-release of cata
If it is a dumpster fire why are you going to play?
Wait you actually believed they would stop at Wrath?
Oh boy…
The moment they announced TBC Classic I knew we would end up with at least MoP Classic
Never said any of that. I said I’m disappointed with the re-release of Cata, nothing says I’m supposed to like it. I’m just here to watch the crash and burn