Why isn't there a Black Elven Character in the Lore?

Azshara still should’ve been short and white by your logic since it’s arcane magic changing them.

The explanation is that we’re having a better view than we did before.



The only difference is Sunwell was using a vial from the Well of Eternity.

If Well of Eternity alone made Dark Trolls into Night Elves with no other changes, and Nightwell alone made Night Elf Highborne into Nightborne with no other changes, why would a Nightwell of Discounted Eternity (Sunwell) make Highborne pale, short, and white?

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Who says it alone is what changed them? It’s a common Night Elf Belief that Elune is what shaped them into what they became. The Power of the Well changed them but it was Elune that chose the shape.

But another way to look at it, the Elves got their darken color from their origin of being Dark Trolls. High Elves are just further down the Evolutionary line as they moved further away from their Troll genetics.

And the reason the High Elves became lighter is because Sunwell took on the aspects of the land it was around. It was no longer the same arcane magic that the Well of Eternity was.


The time between Night Elves coming into being and the Sundering is shorter than the Highborne being exiled and establishing the Sunwell.

The Well of Eternity = Titanic Arcane Fountain, no ley lines involved as per lore, made Trolls into Night Elves
Sargeras magic = Fel-corrupted Titanic magic, turned Highborne into Satyr
N’zoth magic = Old God, turned Highborne into Naga
Nightwell = ley line energy concentrated by the Eye of Aman’thul, made Highborne into Nightborne
Sunwell = water bottle of Tianic Arcane Fountain over a ley line nexus (i.e. natural concentration of ley line energy), old lore is this caused the Highborne to become High Elves, since been retcon’d
Fel Consumption = turned High Elves into Blood Elves, turned Blood Elves into Felblood Elves (Demons)
Void Experiments = Void artifact explosion thingy, made Blood Elves into Void Elves

Do you see how it is strange, from a simple comparison, to say the Sunwell, being a watered down Well of Eternity (made from only a singular vial) in combintion with a slightly less powerful Nightwell (artificial titanic vs natural ley concentration) caused the Highborne to become short and pale and white High Elves?

Do you see how, if you see how the Blood Elves became Void Elves and even more pale and ashen due to Void Exposure, it makes more sense, from a meta lore perspective, to say Tirisfal Void Corruption made the Highborne ashen and paler and short (cuz why not)?

And how it makes sense, looking at the Eevee Pokemon Evolution styled “magical changes” from the Night Elf/Highborne starting point, for the Post BC Sunwell, being a font of Naaru Light and watered down Well of Eternity, could be assigned to be the reason for darker skin on top of the yellow-light eyes Liadrin and others now have?

I would prefer they never explain these new skins.


WHAT? The Dark Trolls came to the Well of Eternity 15,000 years ago. There’s no lore indicating how long it took for them to change but the Night Elf Empire lasted for 10,000 of those 15,000 years.

Not strange at all. Makes perfect sense that the Highborne, being cut off from the Well of Eternity and all (and all but abandoning Elune), would no longer be close to what made them what they are and would have ONLY a small trace of it to start over with.

And Pokemon is a very poor comparison for this…

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That’s exactly what I said lmao

Night Elves are the Eevee of the WoW universe and you know it


Nightborne replaced their very diet as well as Sunlight and Moonlight with the Arcane of the Nightwell while the High Elves just had the Sunwell just sitting there fueling their Magic.

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No, you said it was shorter. 15,000 is larger then 7,000.

Still not apt because they don’t have instant evolution.

Yeah, that’s why the High Elves were much leaner and “unsaturated” of arcane.

This is incorrect. The Nightwell was created from the Eye of Aman’Thul.

she and other elves were shorter than what they evolved from, just as blood elves are even shorter then the the Night elves. Skin color seems to be based on who they were before the change. The Dark Trolls were nocturnal as are the Night Elves, where as the Blood elves are not. They live in the day so by that logic they could or should have lighter skin. But new lore however established that the change was the Highborne getting weaker and losing their connection to Nordassil, which is dumb.

In addition if Cenarius can be used as an example, Elune may have had a hand the their transformation.

not my logic, it’s what the lore established.

You do realize that all elves are shorter then trolls right? Furthermore each elf race is at a different height and they all have different skin tones. The Nightborne are only closer in skin tone to the Night Elves and taller because their transformation, like the original transformation came from an extremely potent source of titanic arcane power. What created the High Elves was much weaker than both.


Does nobody pay attention to quests anymore:

Arcanist Valtrois says: You made an excellent assistant. Your inherent knowledge of ley lines is almost as expansive as mine.

Stellagosa says: Yes, and I know the convergence of ley lines feeds great power to the Nightwell. Harnessing that much power is perilous, but if she could…


Sure whatever doesn’t really matter due to this retcon, but I’m saying it makes more sense for the white/pale/shortness to be due to Tirisfal void shenanigans because of the Sunwell explicitly (as it was and is no longer) or Nordrassil being far far away (as it is and I agree is dumb)

Why? Because, since when does the Void turn anyone short and white?

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Pale Orcs, Curse of Flesh Vrykul going from Chad to Humans, etc.


I reread Twilight of the Aspects not too long ago and a highelf that made an appearence there was described to have “beautiful dark skin”, so in that sense dark-skinned BElfs have existed in lore for quite a while now.


It was only very recently that all of the Olds Gods have been removed from Azeroth.

Their absence could explain these anomalies in the curse of flesh, creating mutations.

Partially but they Shunned the Light and if that happened to the Elves, we would of had much different Elves today.

You greatly misunderstand the nature of the Curse of Flesh

Pale Orcs went from Shamanistic to Void-meddling what are you talking about the Light

We have… Void Elves… you… are a void elf…

Curse of Flesh is an Old God influence on the Robo-Chad Titanforged who got turned into Mortal Chad Vrykul who progressively kept producing smaller and smaller generations, eventually going into exile and establishing the Human Kingdoms.

But the Curse of Flesh is the cause of those smaller generations after being the cause of the flesh itself.

The real answer is that these new additions have been around from the beginning, it’s just that Blizzard is insanely bad about customization and has stubbornly dragged behind literally every other game even since it was launched.

Elves in general have the genetic stability of a rubber band, as we’ve seen time and again. The fact that there weren’t dark skinned elves prior is more lore bending than them existing, the elven kingdom where it’s always spring and with an entire culture based around the sun didn’t have people with so much as a tan?

We can easily see that they’re essentially going with ‘this has always been a thing’ since they’re also adding a much darker skin tone for night elves, which would logically become dark skin for high elves when they embraced their Sunwell.

This is the same case for humans, dwarves, and gnomes, albeit with the excuse of the Curse of Flesh as opposed to… changing their entire physique and aesthetic based on chlorine levels changing in their backyard pools.