Why isn't there a Black Elven Character in the Lore?

With the Variety of Color Skin choices for Races like Dwarves, Gnomes, and Elves. Why isn’t there a Black Elven Character within the Lore of WoW like atleast one on the Alliance or the Horde in terms of the Sin’dorei Character or a Void Elf One?

Because as far as we know all elves are white and these new dark skin elves are a last minute addition to show diversity.

They look cool though and we’ll probably have new important NPCs showing those new skin colors but I wouldn’t think too much about that in lore.

They will treat it as they’ve always been there but havn t shown them in game.


Because this new skin tone is a recent addition. Not to mention elves are a European fairy tale thing which leads them to be mainly white. But in the WoW lore the Highborne could have been a bunch different colors of dark blueish purple but they faded with the creation of the sunwell. I Prefer that version of events to them changing over time.


Night Elves are the original dark skinned elves of Warcraft. At least compared to High/Blood Elves anyway.


There was a dark skinned high elf in one of the novels, Devi from Twilight of the Aspects. Minor character, but one that existed long before this new change.


Interesting that she exists in an Alternate Timeline…

I wonder if that’s how they might explain these new Skins?

Actually in Norse myth, Elves are either White Elves or Black Elves.

My personal headcanon is the Sunwell makes elves dark, as a font of Light, same way the Old God corruption in Tirisfal made the Highborne short and pale, and Fel corruption gave them green eyes and eventually red skin, and Arcane corruption made them darker and bluer with weird pale purple eyes.

From what I recall, the elves shrinking and turning pink was a result of loosing connection to the Well of Eternity on Hyjal, not the corruption under Tirisfal.


So deprivation from arcane magic makes you white and short, and excessive arcane magic makes you blue with silver eyes. Either way, Light making Elves brown/black when fel magic made them red and arcane makes them blue isn’t an impossibility.

That being said, give Liadrin one of the darker skins imo, maybe Rommath too since the Magisters were seen protecting the Sunwell during the Void Elf questline.

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This is why I hate that they made the Highborne transformation over time. The better version was when they remained Night Elves but were transformed with the creation of the Sunwell.


Nah they should’ve just confirmed they tried to settle in Tirisfal near that lake where Tyrs Tomb is, and had it been a sudden corruption with some people going insane.

Cuz if it was the Sunwell then the Nightwell, which is also an arcane fountain, would’ve had to make them short and white.

Because otherwise why wouldn’t Azshara, who depended on the same water of the original Sunwell, be short and white?


The Well of Eternity created Night Elves from Trolls. The Sunwell is a extremely small fraction of the Well of Eternity’s power.

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So my statement stands, why would the Well of Eternity, being a super charged Sunwell, not have made Azshara short and pale, if by your logic you would’ve wanted their Whiteness and shortness attributed to the Sunwell?


This is actually a VERY good point.


Thank you, now we just need Dark Skin Holy Eyes Warrior Queen Liadrin to confirm my theory

Well, she does have a darker skin tone now that I think about it…

Probably has to do with a sort of “power phase shift” of the Well of Eternity vs the Sunwell.

The Power eminating from the Well of Eternity was pure power. The Sunwell was feeding off the Laylines of Qual’thalas. Same way the Nightwell’s power was different, causing a totally different effect on the Nightborne. It’s a question of the power being “more” or “greater”, just different.


Elves are shorter than Dark Trolls. The well gave them a different skin tone.

Actually The Sunwell Trilogy established that as lore before it was changed in Chronicle. It made more sense. The Elves are physically affected by fonts of arcane power. The Sunwell was less potent than the Well of Eternity so by binding themselves to it and clearly dedicating the new well to the sun their transformation made them small, as this well was weaker and their skin was lighter as they were now living in the day vs living during the night.


Nightwell was also feeding off of and concentrating ley lines.

Yes, different power source.