Why isn't there a 1vs1 arena?

Didn’t they add a dueling ring in BFA?

Yup, wow will never start being balanced until gear is normalized… if that ever happens , the the knobs and throbs could be tweaked to give everyone a more level playing field… wod was almost perfect with the templates imo, the big downer for me was the trinkets and items effects were disabled.

In my perfect world, pvp gear would need to be leveled to be relevant in pve, but will always get scaled to max in pvp… blue gear mogs are for unranked, purple through elite purple with the rest of the cosmetics are locked behind rating…

The most balanced pvp wow has is at top end when everyone has top gear… imagine the rest of the experience being skill driven and not pwn gear driven.

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No… I’d rather not 1v1 rog on any toon xcepg mb a healer

It’s called Dueling Arena, and it died on arrival.

Because 1v1 means literally nothing in this game.

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I never had anything to do with it, but it was definitely a thing in BfA.

Blizzard admitted in like 2010 that this game’s PvP isn’t balanced around 1v1’s. They don’t even try to when making decisions on PvP

You’re wrong, I’ve read what you said. 1v1 would be just as balanced as 2v2 and 3v3. There is nothing you’ve said that proves 2v2 and 3v3 is more balanced than 1v1. Your mainly offering your subjective opinion and stating that you don’t see the average player enjoying it. Fact is, many people have been asking for 1v1 and these people understand the games mechanics just as well as you do. They are also entitled to their own opinion just as much as you are. Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t prove anything other than your being ego centric on the matter.

[quote=“Robokappa-sargeras, post:35, topic:1172224, full:true”]

Reality, but still a crappy copout.

Srry bud. You wrong. You play Prot Pal according to profile… Not hating… JS!!!
Srs tho. 1v1 PvP w/ rating is a silly concept. fr. Bring back Blood DK when they couldn’t die and tell me otherwise.

I can see it now… two restro druids being matched and the battle going until one of them gets bored and logs out or 2027. Whichever comes first.


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back in late vanilla there was a meme. two paladins were dueling in Goldshire for hours. a crowd gathers. Then someone in the crowd yells “two resto druids are dueling outside stormwind since Friday!” and both paladins bubble-hearth to go watch.

p.s. when did we stop dueling in Goldshire?

i propose the old Darkmoon Faire campsite as the place for the duel tournament.


hell yeah brother

because WW monk would win 8/10 times.

ww is a king of 1v1.

I saw that movie, Indy always wins 1v1.


If you want 1v1 then duel. A 1v1 arena would be a trainwreck because of how the classes in WoW work. In fact, the majority of 1v1’s would be decided in seconds because some classes just hard counter other classes and can stunlock them forever or just outrange them. Mirror matches would come down to whoever has the best gear or who gets the first stun to stick or in some cases would just literally never end and be an eternal stalemate.

PvP in WoW is not balanced around 1v1. Its balanced around groups and class composition.

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Dampen already exists because this happens even in 2v2 and 3v3 so this wouldn’t happen but otherwise I 100% agree.