Why isn't there a 1vs1 arena?

It would be amazing if blizzard implement it along with a rating system


balancing would be difficult.

but you can host your own in the FFA arenas of Nagrand and STV…

Didnt Asmongold host a 1v1 tourny once?

this is the kind of idea that the community could implement on their own with the in-game tools available. an io-like addon could rank track.

edit: it’s just ranked dueling isn’t it?


Some classes would dominate and other not even stand a chance. Lost ark will have 1v1 arena though.


Because it’d just be queuing into druids, rogues and healers.

An unironic “You think you do, but you don’t” unless you play one of the above.


There are a series in you tube with daralan gaming and I have seen all specs doing well in 1v1

That would be the biggest waste of time ever lol. The game would never in a million years be balanced enough for competitive 1v1 lol

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WHat’s wrong with druid and rogue? they can be beaten by a paladin. Balance druid is easy to kill

Sorry but that’s not a good example of an actual ladder for 1v1. There is handful of things that are just going to become a nuisance and hard to balance. Look at how annoying it is right now in arena skirmish when it’s two druids verse two druids or two rogues verse two rogues. You take classes like this and throw them a 1 v 1 ladder I just see the player base getting tilted. Don’t get me wrong I would love a 1v1 arena in wow, I main WW monk and rogue so trust me I love 1v1 and shiz. I just don’t see the average pvper or player enjoying it. Nothing but mass complaints over the top 5 classes people love to cry about , rogues, WW monks, druids, warriors and hunters.

The game isn’t balanced around 1v1s at all. It’d be fun but having it be rated wouldn’t make sense.


Well it could be something without a ranking system just pure fun. A looking for group maybe? I am sure many players want this.

I know rogue has more advatage than other classes


Hey that would be great then. I’m all for any type of pvp content really. It’s my opinion that with the Microsoft deal going through they are going to add wow to game pass and make pvp gearing a little easier and more friendly to new players and really push it as a feature of game pass.

It would probably be nothing but tanks with strong self healing.

Fun detected.


There isn’t a 1v1 arena because of Stealth, Camouflage, Convoke and Aimed Shot.


WOW isn’t balanced for 1v1 is probably the reason.

Oof 1v1 pvp :hot_face:

check the feral necrolord

too many classes hard counter other classes and it wouldn’t be all that fun. 2v2 and 3v3 add some flexibility

I’d get smoted by a paladin…I can see it now

Maybe the solution is to divide it by class. Have a Paladin arena, a Hunter arena, etc.

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