Why isn't there a 1vs1 arena?

Guy with best gear wins. The end.

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And by spec too. That’d be cool. Rank up who’s the best at that spec. Healers could get an NPC they need to heal. Tanks could face some kind of raid boss. Like run through a gauntlet. I.e

Timed runs.
Out last damage
Resource management

This is the worst excuse and copout ever. There’s a lot of things that can be done to counter unequal mathes (buffs, debuffs, etc.). People buy into that ancient bull :poop: about balance. It just lets Blizzard stay lazy.

Support 10char

These already exist they’re called duels though.

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Balancing couldn’t be much worse than 2v2. They could also implement stuff to counter for when you get a rogue vs a rogue, like the ability to see stealth sooner otherwise those games would be nothing for the first 1-2 minutes.

But you can also just host a war game: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/news/1597874/war-games-battleground-and-arena-skirmishes

Don’t need to go to a specific arena, can play any PVP map in any setting at anytime as long as you have 2 or more people.

With the new arena setup coming I would love if they would eventually expand this to games ranging from 1v1 arena through to 5v5 arena and than 5v5 BG’s with modified rules up to 15v15, it would allow those who want to do ranked PVP but don’t have a team to experience something which in turn may lead them to forming or joining a premade team.

Like that doesn’t happen now? Not only are there meta classes. There are also, meta comps.

Have you not read the rest of what I said or what other people have stated?

No, I’ve read it.2v2 and 3v3 are not balanced either. So the argument about balance is moot. There are meta classes and comps.

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That doesn’t mean it’s not more balanced than a 1v1 arena lol. Meta and comp does not mean everything is unbalanced.
Every pvp game has a meta and comp if you read the rest of the stuff I said I don’t think we would be having this conversation now

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even better there is a secret feature called a ‘duel’ where u can 1 vs 1 any1 u want in any locations besides cities if they accept ure challenge all u need 2 do is type /duel @ them and then it will challenge them try it bro im not even kidding

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Lol I use tankard o terror on my monk too. They look awesome

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It’d devolve into a FOTM collective.

Battleground graveyards are full of well geared people who can grind out Korthia and Torghast but don’t have a clue about tactics.

no, it is an on-the-ground reality. nobody is balancing a massively-multiplayer game around 1v1.

This. Maybe make a 1v1 skirmish queue or something an that’s it. Or go kill a player in world pvp when you’re the only two people there, or duel someone

Meh… arena is the little leagues. The real action is a cutest mount competition! :heart_eyes:

*hops on Hogrus
*immediately wins against all other competitors
*takes trophy
*rides off towards the horizon on my beloved piggeh… :pig:



Because balanced 1v1 means extreme homogenization and the other scenario means incredibly unbalanced specially in a game where you are suppose t gain advantages while mixing classes.

You can alos just /duel people lol

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Maybe in a non ranked setting. Could see it as a fun test of ability.

it’s called dueling.

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