Why isn't sylvanas allowed to die?

Lol what do you even know what happens in the pre patch

Prepatch hasn’t officially happened yet, so I haven’t taken time to play through it. If they retconned it though, then they retconned it. Not much anyone can do about it.

A part of the pre-patch is the zombie invasion event from Wrath again and dailies involved with putting down rampaging Scourge in Northrend. In other words, the whole ‘There must always be a Lich King’ confirmed.

I might be wrong but I red somewhere that the scourge itself when not been controlled by the helm of dominance is actually being controlled by the Jailer itself.

But can’t confirm it.

I think people are still going to be upset because she wasn’t a nihilist pre wrath of the lich king and pre forced undeath trauma. The Sylvanas story as it currently stands is incredibly mean-spiritied. The message is that “people who turn rotten as a response to abuse are truly bad people and should have been better.” I really dislike that message and I feel it lacks a lot of compassion.

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I mean … its also very true that Abuse victims can in turn become abusers themselves; and while their actions and choices should be viewed within the context of that abuse … it doesn’t outright absolve them either. Its the chain of abuse, and its a very real, and very sad, thing. However, Sylvanas has hurt so many people in her own nihilism and pain. Used and discarded so many for personal goals and gain. So … we find ourselves in a strange place of asking “what of her victims?”

Beyond that, at this point, you cannot validate Sylvanas’ actions without invalidating the actions of everyone who’s opposed her.


I think this holds weight if she was a real person and not a character. But she’s a character being written. So we have to ask ourselves, “why did they choose this path for the character,” and I really doubt it comes from a place of compassion.


She doesn’t just need to die. Her soul needs to be ripped from her body, making her a banshee once more. Then she will be in eternal suffering in the deepest, darkest, most horrifying and terrible dungeon the maw has.


Very classy of you to share your snuff fantasy with everybody.


They didn’t retcon anything lol

