At this point i am a scratched record stating the obvious over and over again
It is all about the Benjamin’s yo. If you haven’t heard, since HActivision bought out Blizzard in 2008 it has been all about wringing as much playtime/subs out of their players as possible, by doing as little as Humanly possible with respects to innovation and good expansions.
At this point i am a scratched record stating the obvious over and over again
It is all about the Benjamin’s yo. If you haven’t heard, since HActivision bought out Blizzard in 2008 it has been all about wringing as much playtime/subs out of their players as possible, by doing as little as Humanly possible with respects to innovation and good expansions.
Sometimes the question needs to be asked knowing full well what some of the answers are likely to be. The time sink is pretty evident, but still the question should be asked.
Like reps where you had to chose one or the other, or where when one goes up the other goes down, would have to stay per-character.
Makes sense. Someone above made an inquiry about that same thing, and my initial thought was let the user pick one, if they have both, but I think that it feels ‘fair’ to have the opposing factions per character so folks to grind out he rewards that come with it.
Ok say you play a class with one type of armor then go to a class with another type of armor . The armor from the first class wouldn’t work with the class of the 2nd toon .
We already get catch up gear to send to alts and if you are concerned enough about giving gear to alts save some of the greens you get while leveling your main in an expansion if they are an item the toon won’t use because of it being a certain armor or a weapon the main toon can’t use.
Also once again if gear is account bound why even play the alt . You say play a new class but if you don’t need gear for it , then what activities would it be doing in order for you to play it ?
I agree. I have wanted this for a long time.
They could make it optional display like achievements are now.
I play many alts and do not know how people just play one. Like Lays potato chips, it is hard to just have one!
I mean that is the nature of video games, but you get some character progression and benefit out of raiding/pvp/mythic + like the social aspect, gear upgrades etc. Having to rep grind on a toon that will literally only ever be logged into to make consumes is not fun and takes time away from advancing actual toons you want to do things with.
Even if they didnt make rep account bound (honestly with how they have started the gear token upgrades and renown upgrade items I wouldnt be surprised if account bound rep isnt in the pipeline) id be happy with something like a rep cloak or rep boot on alts once one has reached a certain rep. Like you have rep cloaks for the original horde and alliance factions and tokens for mop and rep tokens you can buy with timewalking. Just something to make it less tedious.
That catch up gear is garbage. Let me send over some of the 239 heroic gear I don’t need on my main. Also, I couldn’t even understand the rest of this sentence.
I think part of the problem with what Birds is trying to suggest is that folks are quickly thinking about the places it will not work, and not necessarily the places it would.
There’d be limitations, of course.
One of the first, is that you would first need to get the gear to hand it down, how often do you, on a hunter, loot epic warrior gear? Probably not very frequently. But if your Warrior had a piece of non-warrior-specific plate that’s now bound to him, why not let that toon hand it off to the Pally or DK?
Catch-up gear is just to get alts into the current endgame content. It’s not meant to deck characters in Mythic Raid gear. It gets better each patch, especially if an alt wasn’t played during the early patches of an expansion. If you are gearing additional mains, you’ll likely just be vendoring the tokens, unless you need the transmogs unlocked.
Without catch-up gear, you’ll be getting your butt handed to you for a few levels while you try to make the leap from pre-SL gear to lowbie SL gear. The NPC’s aren’t easy when you’re running around in a gear level of 45-50.