Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

Thanks, I’ll add them to the list.

Because this is 100% the fact.


Because Dragonflight isn’t innovative. It’s the same old and by now very boring formula. Before someone asks, yes, I cancelled my sub. This is my last month.

Player housing for example would be something new… at least for this game.
Less restrictions, especially regarding playable races and factions would also be something nice, that would keep me personally in the game. At least they loose some of the restrictions for classes, but it’s just too little, too late.
The world also looks very outdated. I don’t think new players, who see this will stay very long. Well that and all the restrictions in this game. It’s just not fun for a lot of players.

I think many players also just lost hope for Blizzard, looking back to bfa, sl and the lawsuit. Sadly there are many reasons.


It’s curious that Blizz hasn’t announced sales figures for DF. It is great PR when a game is selling like hotcakes. Instead they offered one month free upon purchase or something like that. There’s an earnings call next week, but even those are not definitive for sales numbers unless they specifically state them.

Oh well.

edit: I tried to get into DF. Healed some on a druid. The game is better than SL for sure, but there was still something missing for me. I went back to WotLK classic thinking I may be able to get into Ulduar again, but I quit this too. It’s the first time in a long time that I am not playing any Blizzard titles. Even Hearthstone. I am currently having fun in Valheim though…


Its the same basic game. Collect 10, kill bosses, repeat. for 18 years. There’s new stuff for sure but still the core game. Dragonflight is the best I’ve seen since probably Wrath, but its still a very similar game. I personally like dragon riding but idk how well it would work in the flatter old world. I’d like to see housing, alternative leveling options besides dungeons or collect 10. Events. Different options. I just feel like after having played the majority of expasions besides the last 2-3, I’ve seen most of it. I came back for dragonflight but they’ll have to keep it interesting. M+ and raiding isn’t it.


DF is just lipstick on the same pig, dragon riding is neat, guess that’s Blizzard’s compromise to flying, but unbalanced PvP and raiding/Mythic are still the same. WQs get pretty old after a week or two, same with events. The plethora of bugs and maintenance doesn’t help. Overall there’s not a whole lot for casuals to do after a month. End game community is still very toxic, despite Blizzard’s “social contract”, more than anything I still rampant abuse of their automated reporting systems.


what if they included hotcake mix int he box with the game and you would get blue or red

New gearing system was enough for me to tell friends to avoid this patch like the plague.

  1. People have been burned too many times by Blizz.

  2. Blizz keeps hopping from one concept to the next without pausing to see what players liked or want in the future. They care only about selling new expansions instead of retaining and attracting new customers. Perhaps these things overlap, but not enough for the difference to be in WoW’s favor.

I’ll probably buy DF because it’s on sale, but I can understand why many are hesitant to keep paying for a game that isn’t getting better, and in which the decision makers dismiss everything their community has to say.


Same problem as previous expansions, garbage class design.


I think Blizzard needs to be more annoying, and predatory and spam more “BUY DRAGONFLIGHT NOW!” to those who don’t have yet.

Maybe lock some legacy content until they buy Dragonflight. That might drive up sales.

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i mean aside form the fact wow is a 19 year old game MMo’s in general are a dying brand.

Because BFA and SL caused too much damage. They could have released the best expansion ever and it wouldn’t sell well because of those two expansions. Arguably Legion too


Which makes me bummed. I would love for an MMO that does dungeons, raids, and PvP well. However WoW is my only option after all of this time.

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The focus on end game led them to make the best part of the game, leveling, way too fast.

It also made them make some inexcusable decisions. Example, completely ignoring Siilvermoon in Cataclysm


I think it’s M+ honestly.

I’m sure many will disagree, but they’re here so :grin:

To new players, and returning players from awhile ago, the system is not very friendly. There’s a firm impression that it’s what you’re signing up for, and the reality is even the lowest keys (and currently even heroics) are filled with people who could/should be doing much harder content. I can’t imagine someone recommending that experience to other people, which is what MMOs thrive on.

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DF was never gonna sell highly due to various already spoken reasons here.

DF is working to set up next expansion to be a success.

Why, we’re getting accountwide rep in the future. That would never have happened with bfa/sl were successes.

Blizzard is wising up that their fanbase is changing.

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The developers rely way too much on this one system to carry the game right now. M+ is boring, and it’s popularity is mainly due to it giving pretty decent rewards.

It was slam dunk for Blizz to implement, but it came at a cost, because a lot of more traditional MMO players didn’t sign up to speed run dungeons.

Turning dungeons into a competitive e-sport was one of the worst things I have ever seen done in a MMO.


Unfortunately blizzard seems to be all in on the eSport design philosophy so I don’t expect this to get better any time soon


People say this, but when people went through the mass exodus during Shadowlands, FFXIV exploded in popularity.

I think its more that this 19 year old game has had a titan grip on most of the core MMO audience and, at least to me, has only recently began to wane.