Why isn't DF selling like hotcakes?

It’s just a shame they still have to follow the business model of selling an expansion AND subs.

Would be good if they could think outside box and maybe do something like alter the sub price and just give the expansion for free or sell the expansion and include 3 months of game time or something.


I also want to point out here that we are still in the very first patch of this expansion, I do recall a few expansions feeling a bit stale or unbalanced etc etc until the first couple of major patches started to roll out. I think having more than 3 major patches would be a good start

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They are also still recuperating from the mess that was SL.

the lore has been going in an awkward direction for awhile now too. After thinking about it now it really seems like theyve just ran out of ideas since like way back in cata/MoP

took a turn for the worse (lorewise) with panda lands being an entire expansion which it shouldnt have, and then time traveling?

The game hasn’t changed and in some ways, it’s still like a second job.

Back in WoD (yes, flame away) we’d run toons through mythic dungeons, then raid or do challenge modes. We’d level alts and do it again. I played more in WoD than I have since Legion.

Now, you have to farm keys to increase your io to run higher keys just to raid.


Well…to be fair in my opinion, nobody expects an IP for a game to reach the level of WoW. I think it was inevitable that the original story would run it’s course. I just think their idea of constant retconning of Lore could have been so much better while being true to the original.

well said, I kinda liked the idea up there a bit where they should have just made a new game entirely and just layed WoW to rest. It does kinda not only feel weird having played it since vanilla, but just the complete butchery and bleakness of lore constantly is tiring.

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I mean thats probably the number one reason i havent played too much since cata/MoP, aside from IRL things changing. Class fantasy/design and lore getting tossed out the window nearly every expansion

Odd direction, yes. Then the fail of wod, but the biggest punch in the gut was SL.
That xpac is so full of plotholes and unfinished content. An entire tier that was repeating old raids lol.
It was just a mess.

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Yeaaaa SL… I quit playing after like the first or second major patch but i refused to keep up with any “lore” they put out with that one. Not to mention the other… things hehe. And then I believe at one point they blamed it on covid? Bro this is not a construction zone, building a VIDEO game here not skyscrapers.

To be totally honest it saddens me more than anything.

For the first 12-15 years I played this game I felt as if was the continuation of my story, as my characters. The minute that the World of Warcraft became totally new stories not really connected to the entire story line, it became tough to play.

But…the minute that things like world scaling, character pruning, taking the functional rewards from your previous efforts and trashing them…essentially losing any and all meaningful character progression, not to mention power progression…well at that point I felt that they had left me. I didn’t change…they changed WoW.

Now, I just came back from leaving during BfA, and I am playing for one reason and that’s to level, and then leave. If they had made profession less grindy it may have given me a reason to play more but alas it appears that I’m crap outta luck.

It really makes me sad what they did to this game.


Well hm now I really want hotcakes with syrup. Thanks Man.

I’ve never quit, once, even through all the nonsense. So I got to play it ALL first hand.
WoD, BFA, SL. What made them so bad was just the flat content droughts. And SL looked like it was going to be one of the better xpacs, then we got korthia and that was a umm… why this?
Sanctum was a good raid at least. But then we got hit with ZM and Seplucher. Which if you have run the raid and done the lore, its VERY obvious Anduin was the last fight in the raid and Jailer was supposed to be in an entirely different raid to finish the xpac.

But no xD rushed, hole ridden nonsense, with massive content droughts.

Yea… i have no idea the cause. I’d blame not hiring enough devs and writers.

docs.google com/spreadsheets/d/1N87iSgsfcGmFOGcD1Ot1oEJmvytpE5Tazd0QHQ87VzI/edit#gid=0
Its a link going through the timelines of each expansion, pretty interesting. This sums it up fairly well - I suppose the last patch is significantly longer than the rest on most even dating back to TBC. But on expansions that had good gameplay and class design, and this may come from a personal opinion of course but, MoP for example the gameplay was fantastic PVP and PVE it was just the lore that was lacking. I don’t recall complaining about being in the last patch. In fact, I remember my main class/classes getting pruned and gutted in WoD and it just hasn’t felt the same since.

And what is the worst now? that Blizzard no longer has China, and the worst thing that China already has its replacement, that Tarisland proved to be the only WoWkiller but in China And it’s not even in the alpha phase of the MMO, I just need 2 trailers and that’s it.And it’s not even in the alpha phase of the MMO, I just need 2 trailers and that’s it..

With the problem of low subscribers, with the mistreatment that is done to the classic servers, and a honeymoon that hides the bad and what is going to happen from an expansion that has not even started.

We are dark ages of what the MMO was, and we don’t know what Riot’s MMO will be like, as I said before with the success that Arcane had, it demonstrated much more than just a MOBA.

Oh god SL had 218 days from release to its first major patch… that is a BIG ouch

Honestly, the ONLY thing I have been doing this expansion is PVP that feels like its half - done on some specs and classes and leveling. For someone who wants to hop on a few hours a dayish I am actually finding myself playing low level alts more than my max level characters… a few people have already said it in the forums here - really feels like im just beta testing the damn game for them. I’d rather not wait 3 months for the game to feel decent.

I agree. Between cata and mop, easily 2 of the best xpacs.
Legion was a big step in the right direction, then they fell on their face again in bfa.

Haha yea, then the last patch was literally rehashed raids. “Fated”. Definitely on par with wod’s content droughts.

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I’m just trying to understand what it’s all about. Someone said there is no progression when there clearly is. The thing I read didn’t say anything about there not being enough for one thing or another. Of course you don’t always see everything that came before a particular conversation.