Why is wow ascension more wow than wow?

Just looking at that game they have more going right in their wow than actual wow!!!
A plethora of classes and spells,gameplay that is actually fun for the players and content dropping way more frequently…

inb4 cease and desist

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Ascension has been around for decades. Apparently it’s transformative enough for it to count as Fair Use; it’s not Blizz-like at all.

Aren’t they reusing assets? Is that legal?

I’m not a lawyer. But my understanding is that you can mod any game as long as it’s transformative and that you don’t do it for profit.

This is a question for Fasc.

I will get my warlock and put up a summon portal.

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Why do more people like chocolate ice cream compared to those who like vanilla ice cream?

A lot of private servers are better organized than WoW, save for a few glaring issues.

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