Why is WoD the worst xpac?

Legion legendaries, while at first made people feel like fake legendaries and kills value of true legendaries, but they are really fun.


Itā€™s not. BFA is worse and so the first half of legion. Second half of legion was really good though.


WoD I could raid log the biggest issue with WoD was the no flying ever debacle which led to the plug being pulled early.

I would say it was the worst expansion due to strange lore and a short patch content.

But no.

The worst, of the worst will be for life until Blizzard (hopefully not) makes another mistake to make a worse expansion, is nothing more and nothing less than BfA

Horrible, and terrible as Jaina and Sylvanas fansboys

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It was the peak of ā€œfailureā€ for Blizz, not to sound too harsh but itā€™s the best way to describe it.

They hired like 200 employees or something and had to train them, so WoD sufferred for it (if my memory is correct).

One patch gave us a selfie camera toy lol

We lost the chance to have amazing captial cities for each faction. People hated Ashran.

They couldnā€™t complete raids like Shattrah City.

And the storyline of the expansion kinda crashed and burned at the end with Gromash Hellscream being captured then becoming a hero at the end, you knowā€¦the orc leading the Iron Horde.

Speaking of the Iron Horde, they felt like a joke.

And of course, the pinnacle of isolation, the Garrison. It was also the first boom in gold due to the misson table, so a lot of people suddenly were loaded and the economy changed after that.

As always the raids were solid enough, but I do miss the option of only logging in to raid.


WoD was so bad that Blizzard had to stop reporting sub numbers. Biggest and fastest drop in WoW history (40% in under a year.)


I raided back then and even I disliked wod. It was worse than BFA ever could be for me. At least I have stuff I can do thatā€™s rewarding. In WoD the only things my alts could do was the garrison mission once per week and one daily. It legitimately had next to no content. Coincidentally it was the time raiders were happiest because nobody else had anything.


Blizzard Monkey Paw heard us wishing for player housing and gave us an entire xpac based on corrupting that wish.


Had what exactly? If you mean nothing to do outside of raiding, it was excellent for people with busy schedules. Now with all the systems, RNG, grinding just to be raid ready and maintain your raid spot, I am very hesitant to try to raid again.

Not everyone hated it. It was one of my favorite, I loved the garrison.

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i think it lost its title nowā€¦


Ask them. They seem to relish any time that no content outside of raiding is worth doing for anyone because itā€™s when raiding rules the game. Itā€™s always the same; if it isnā€™t feeling forced to do split runs itā€™s having to farm consumables or doing daily heroics, or arguing that ā€œwelfare gearā€ or catch up mechanisms shouldnā€™t exist. Every time any content is lucrative outside of raiding, that segment of players cries foul. Iā€™ve been here long enough to see it happen over and over again.


So the same issue that plagues BFA?

I loved the garrison personally, but there were some issues:

Exceptations were raised for content that ultimately had to be cut or trimmed (eg: capital cities, different garrison asthetic/locations, Shattrath story arc)

Thereā€™s already orc fatigue in the community after a year of SoO.

High concept altenate-reality invasion that comes out of nowhere with no world-building to set it up.

Launch was a disaster of crashes, queues and world-server-downs that took almost a month to sort out.

World was full of questing bottlenecks (despite massive improvements during beta). Questing story led up to finale that suddenly sweeps the player aside at the end to focus on Thrall. Which is unfortunate because the questing experience/story by and large was great.

Open world apexis sites at max level were severely overcrowded and laggy and yet simultaneously unrewarding (and as 8.3 assults have reminded me, filling a bar isnā€™t wildly satisfying in practice)

Story felt like it pivoted too abruptly in the final patch. Donā€™t know how much was a change of plan, how much was losing a mid-expansion patch. Stepping back, it always felt like the Legion invasion of Draenor was far more dangerous to us than the Iron Horde itself, but the transition of the story to focus on the Legion was a bit abrupt.


WoD has some of the best artwork outside of Pandaria.

Playing through the expansions, when you get WoD, itā€™s like a new game.


The content WoD had was excellent IMO, there just wasnā€™t nearly enough of it.


I believed it failed as an MMO

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I was younger, unjaded by WoW at the timeā€¦

There it was that Blizzconā€¦


a big map that showed Shattrath as (RAID)

So many other cool thingsā€¦promises of a train running around Gorgrondā€¦story plots and other things.

A SAVAGE WORLD! and nothing really happened.

Nerzhul, dude who would be Lich King? Dungeon Boss.
Grommash, Warchief of the Iron Horde! Jesusā€™d to a tree.
Gulā€™dan, that big bad! All he does is summon Archimonde and truck off.


Itā€™s not, BFA lowered the bar quite significantly.