Why is this game so alt unfriendly?

Unpopular opinion, but why is this game so alt unfriendly? right now, the game is at a standstill and there isn’t much to do. i would LOVE to go and play other toons. but who want to grind renown, grind gear, grind torghast, and grind conduits. in my opinion. once BFA hit, this game became unfriendly. I’m at the point where I just stand around in Oribos like I did in Boralus in BFA


Because Blizzard’s stated goals conflict with their overabundance of systems designers trying to justify their job titles.


Is that an unpopular opinion? I haven’t played any alts since early expansion. No way I’m doing the TG and Korthia grinds on another character. Maybe in 9.1.5 with the QoL changes.


it’s all my fault
i meant to make interesting systems but it’s discouraging and takes too much effort

chrisp the dreamer

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Because the game director plays 1 class and just raid logs. I believe most of the devs play similarly like this, which is why this games so awful.

Nobody who plays the game like a normal person would think the corruption vendor rotation is a great idea for the game/playerbase


this wouldnt happen if you just rationed your playtime evenly among all your characters instead of only playing 1 character for the duration of an expansion


It’s a little bit friendly, and supposed to be getting better in 9.1.5

It only gets awful if you want to swap mains for mythic raiding or high level pvp. Doing the 6-8 weeks for Dom shards blows.

If you’re happy at 230-240 ilvl doing heroic raiding/ksm it’s 1-3 weeks though.

210 legendary, 40-60 renown, ~200 conduits and running m+ for gear is in my opinion pretty low work and it goes pretty far. You’d be really behind for mythic raiding though.


They introduced boosted characters in mists of pandabears and that was a huge success, then in patch 5.4 they gave alts free gear that grew on trees or found in the belly of the mongu and inside Mogu’shan Vaults where lfr was so much fun.

They didn’t like all this FUN we were having with alts so they nerfed FUN after 5.4

My HPaly in Mists had so much fun healing and here were her stats.
162 xThe Stone Guard
162 xFeng the Accursed
166 xGara’jal the Spiritbinder
34 xThe Spirit Kings
36 xElegon
32 xWill of the Emperor


Because the people who design this game are failures that rely on cheap mobile-game style design decisions to retain players.


Okay, so I have a question:

If, instead of doing any of those things, the time you spent questing up to lvl 60 was extended to equal the same time as you would spend on all those grinds, would you prefer that? Would running open world content over and over on various characters like folks did in vanilla thru MoP be preferable to you than running the repetitive end game content you are talking about?

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I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion.

By this point in BFA I had a good 15 or so 120s. I still after nearly a year only have 4 60s. The main reason for this is because the amount of stuff I can legit do is limited, and the stuff I can do isn’t even worthwhile of my time. So I just don’t really log in at all now, which sucks because I am an absolute altoholic but I can’t be bothered to do half the end game stuff, and also can’t be bothered to do things I can do. Guess we’re in the waiting room for 10.0 because I doubt 9.2 is going to add substance or reason to level new alts or do anything beyond what ever is added.


Why is it that everyone who starts off a post with “unpopular opinion” always posts something that nearly every single person agree with?

On your actual question, it’s so alt unfriendly because Blizzard makes so many systems upon systems upon systems… but I have no idea why they keep doing it. It’s rather “main unfriendly” as well, but 10x so for alts.


The biggest I have, and have had for several years now, because I don’t have a “main” character, I fall behind on everything. I cannot play one toon for too long because I get bored playing (example a mage).

Yes, there is all kinds of grinds but the worst to fall behind in is in pvp. Right now, if you even are thinking about starting to do rated pvp, you must have either deep pockets for carries or a lot of patience to play a certain class a very certain way and be prepared to lose a lot. (And if you are just a so-so player, not a pvp whiz, boy it is brutal)

Same thing with M+, but to a lesser extent. Having an alt just starting in the M+ with a no to low score… not good.

The more “scoring” system there is to end-game content, the more difficult it is for alts (heaven forbid a new player to wow) is to play that content. If you don’t have loads of time to spend on your toon to do all the grinds and systems to gear up your toon, the more unfriendly the game becomes…


It’s not unpopular. It’s why we have a bunch of 9.1.5 changes incoming.


ya, for some reason that post used my alt for my toon pic. mains actually 250. grinding to main swap for M raiding blows lol


Yeah, main swapping for mythic raiding is something I’d put off until start of next tier myself tbh. But I don’t do that level of content anymore.

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My friend, you are very wrong. This has been talked about a lot. But I do agree, it usually changes in the last patch(es) to be a little better, but still sucks.

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this where some white knights go well duh…are you wanting alts or another main?

SL…the differences between main and alt are so vague there is no difference. even korthia on a slow night and you can’t bank on hopping others people kills with tagging…needs good gear.

or else those 100% kill bar quests get grindy as hell.

My sl main has switched many times. who was RNG nicer too this week? better ilevel and stats? Hi new “main”, you are the LFR char this week. when 25% of the raid is dead by phase 2…75% left need every single point of dps they can get.



Want to do World Content for Covenant Callings and Rep Boxes? That’s x hours out of your day.

Want to chase rares in those zones that you haven’t gotten mounts/pets/toys from yet? You may as well double that time.

Covenant Invasions and Maw Content and Rares? Add another x number of hours.

Korthia Content for rares you still need mounts from, along with rep for the boxes that you don’t have the mounts from? Add another x number of hours.

Torghast for tower knowledge, legendary materials, and achievements and cosmetics you don’t have yet? Add another half an hour to hour depending on how many runs you can stand to do.

And that’s my usual day in WoW. And I feel like I’m pretty much spinning my wheels.

Why are cosmetic drops that don’t affect player power a 1% or lower drop rate? Why am I having to kill Warbringer Mal’Korak upwards of 60 times for a mount I really don’t care about and will never use but just want to collect? Why are all the world quests grindy and time consuming? And here’s what really gripes me: Why does every last enemy NPC in this expansion automatically teleport behind you? If I were a keyboard turner I’d have left the game months ago. It’s fine for a one-off or just to change things up. But why is it a thing for every enemy in every zone two seconds into a fight? Why?


I got a lot done in one week on my hunter alt. It sounds to me like you just don’t want to have to actually play the game. You might be interested in some boosts. Plenty are available in your local trade chat.