Why is this game so alt unfriendly?

Blizzard hates alts and love time gating with bad systems!

To get my paladin alt to be able to do 15+ keys ( being invited to the groups and actually healing and doing dmg and not being carried ) I have to play for at least 3 weeks ( playing at least 3 hours per day ) if not more, doing same quests, running torghast for days and waiting for 3 weeks to be able to get the legendary I want from world boss. This is without getting the gear I need, just doing the chores for legendary/conduit/soulbinds.


Blizzard are scared that without 20 different systems to grind, we’ll get bored and unsub when the reality is (for me at least) that the BS that’s attached to making a character not complete garbage is so annoying that I spend less time playing because I do the chores on my main and after that I’m too demoralized to even bother playing alts.


feels okay to me. i just got aotc on this character and I’m finishing up my m+ 20s on my shaman. my dh is 230 ilvl and probably going to hit 2k io before the end of the season.

so obviously I’m not amazing but i don’t play a ton of hours either, and I’m hardly unable to play alts

alts are not good for you. you should develop - and identify with - your main. alts make you disconnected from the gameworld.

I think it has a lot to do with the overall thematic style of the game. Its probably been heading this way for a long time. Because what I have noticed is that if you enjoy the casual type of play you can find in other games and arent madly driving towards the high end of the game, you lose out through pure lack of things to do that are fun.

Ive said it before but in other games (I assume Final Fantasy 14 as I dont play it) but certainly in ESO, you can log on and have a truck load of things to do before you even take a look at group content. The game world is full of content, to the point where you could spend hours playing in just one aspect of it on one toon. And if you want to play an alt you can log onto that and go to a different area and do a different thing.

All games have their issues and ESO is no different but one thing it does provide is content, and once you have levelled one character to 50 and opened the Champion talent tree, all your characters benefit from the Champion talents immediately they are created, so levelling is a lot easier. While WoW tends to focus on players having a main and only needing alts for professions and such (or so it seems to me) ESO realises that players enjoy change and trying new things and it caters for that.

Until the development people expand their view on just what it is that players really want, we will continue to get repetitive makework, grinds upon grinds and the sense that nothing we do ultimately matters because at the end it will all be wiped away. I have no desire to level any alts to 80 Renown because I honestly cant see any reason to do that, nor do I have the desire to go through that whole grind again.

It’s an interesting perspective. However, a lot of people reach their end goal with their main each patch, and there isn’t much else to do but develop alts (if you want to continue to play as much).

The grind is the goal of the game. It’s not the fun stuff you can do. That’s my guess anyway.

The game is alt-unfriendly because they think that playing alts is playing the game wrong. And you can be cured of wanting to have fun your way.

So what you want people to do is spontaneously have a personality transplant so they stop having fun and start playing the game like a thankless job? Did someone tell you to say something so dumb as “alts make you disconnected from the gameworld”, or did you somehow fabricate this piece of imaginary mindreading yourself?

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if you had a good counterargument you wouldn’t have to resort to such rude language. I’ll just take my Double-U.

It’s hard to respond to an “argument” that “I can read your mind so I know you won’t be enjoying yourself if you play the way you always enjoyed.”

When their main they are supposed to develop such a close connection to gets nerfed and they have to toss it and reroll, do they suddenly develop a close connection to their new main and dump their old main with zero concern?

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It used to be extremely alt friendly, and then blizzard decided that wasn’t acceptable starting with Legion.

I’m sure any PvPer will look back at the three expansions prior to BFA and remember just how alt friendly this game truly used to be, especially for PvP. MoP introduced catchup conquest caps, Legion had templates that let you play anything you wanted with minimal disparity between even the most geared characters and a naked one, in WoD s3 you could just flat out buy your BiS conquest gear off the AH with tokens that dropped from Tanaan and be fully BiS geared in 5 minutes after hitting max level.

All three expansions let you jump in to PvP and be competitive in an extremely short amount of time. Now it is just awful, the amount of work and chores you have to do combined with the sheer number of hours it takes to get geared (that you have to do while undergeared and not competitive because honor gear is trash and takes dozens of hours to get too) is ridiculous. That’s not even counting the fact that if you aren’t already good at your alt class you are just going to be useless even when you have full conquest because everything is rating gated. Trash systems all around.

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I don’t recall this at all. The tokens that dropped in tanaan could be used for baleful gear, which was ilvl 650 with random stats but sometimes could forge up, or could be upgraded to 695 with an item bought from a vendor using apexis crystals. It was not PvP gear and did not increase in ilvl in PvP combat.

Everybody bought honor gear with honor from the honor vendor and conquest gear with conquest from the conquest vendor. You sound confused.

Nah, you just have a bad memory. There was a token that dropped from rares that gave 1000 honor and 1000 conquest on use and could be sold on the AH. I geared several alts that way.

Are you thinking of medallions of the Legion?

No, this:

I spent much time in Tanaan on many characters farming elites during wod. I never saw one of these. I seriously doubt many people were able to use them as you claim.

To be fair, I haven’t even done it on my main here lol!

I wanted those gem sockets but couldn’t justify climbing trees and whatever else in Korthia every day for it.

Yeah it was from garrison missions, not Tanaan. My bad. It still existed though, and was there were always enough on the AH to fully gear an alt.