Why is there not an option to report a player on the website?

When reporting a player for wall hacking / terrain exploits you have to click on their picture and right click. What if you dont have time / can’t and have their name and want to report them anyways…you can’t.

I can’t >right click report player for cheating b/c its not an option if you cant click their icon in a BG.

removed wall hacking / terrain cheating in WSG. Can’t report b/c there is no option on the website. What do?

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You remove the name from your post, firstly. Callouts are not permitted on the forums.

Then you can email what details you remember to hacks@blizzard.com.


You are welcome to put in a ticket - or email that information to hacks@blizzard.com but we don’t allow callouts on the forums.


You can go through the motions on the website, but you cannot submit the forum – it says to do the report in game. If the solution is off platform completely, why doesn’t the blizz website just say email Hacks@blizzard.com? I really wish I didn’t have to make a post on the forums to seek help reporting blatant cheating.

I submitted a ticket in-game under “help im stuck on a quest” b/c it’s the only option that let me type and submit the forum to you guys…its almost like you guys want bots and cheaters

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They just want them reported as requested, so that they reach the proper team in charge of researching and taking action against them.


I’d recommand closing out the ticket as they’re not going to help you in this regard. I don’t get why folks thinking a GM can do whatever. They’re going to tell you they’re unable to help in this regard.


The problem with reporting outside the game is that it often ends up being a sorely barebones report, where they’ve set up the system in-game to provide a lot more information than we can even see at the time it’s happening to make their investigation easier.

They don’t want you to report outside the game, but offer an avenue for it anyway.


You actually can, but they want it to go in the right places. Website reporting is not preferred save for on-going harassment, which doesn’t seem to be the case here. If you cannot right-click and report in-game, then for what you’re reporting would absolutely be better geared towards hacks@blizzard.com.

They prefer the right-click and report method because it takes a snapshot of what is going on at the time. If you can’t physically see them, sometimes targetting them will do the trick in a pinch with a /target nameofthecharacter. But when all else fails for anyone you think is botting/cheating/hacking/etc. and you are unable to right-click and report, then email the hacks@blizzard.com with all of the information. Timestamps, server, screenshots. The more information the better, especially since they don’t have the benefit of that right-click-report snapshot.


I reported to their out of game email


The ticket system isn’t there because you feel like you be able to do it. The GMs who answer it don’t forward reports the player feel like the should. More so when their main job is helping folks and not be a middle-man for the report team. The reason there isn’t a report ticket area is because they have nothing to do with it.

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It does say that. If you can’t report it in game, or want to add additional info like video, screenshots, etc. Email them.

Common Problems

* I found a bug in game that can be exploited

  • A player is taking advantage of a bug
  • I saw someone using hacks

If you are unable to use the in-game option to report a player for cheating or if you would like to file a detailed report, including videos and screenshots, you can send an email to Hacks@Blizzard.com


Also adding, the in-game report function is critical if you can use it. It captures the account information, server, game location, game logs, etc. That grabs a LOT of info the Hacks team needs without the player having to do any work. A name alone does nothing. Blizz needs a lot more to go on than “Bob cheated”.


Just like technically our SFAs (the only Blues you see posting on this forum) could do the same - it’s not part of their specific job. You want to hinge something on “them doing a good job and forwarding it along”, but the system is made to be cleaner, streamlined and keeping things in a proper lane, per se, so that tickets are answered and addressed as quickly and accurately as possible.

If you don’t like it, there are other games out there. I will never understand people who want to rail and complain but continue to pay money for something they think so lowly of. Complaining here gets you nowhere.

If you want to address how displeased you are with how the support system is set up, then by all means make your feedback and suggestions known - again in the proper place. This forum isn’t it, I’m afraid.

I’m sorry you are so displeased with how things are, but you’ve got paths open to you. I do wish you well wherever your gaming may take you.


The only reason I am posting here is b/c the ticket system is NOT working, the report features are NOT working. This is a forum so they can FIX things. Yall in the business of making excuses it seems. You cannot /target when you have to go into your logs to get it, and you can’t click on them b/c they JUMPED THROUGH A WALL

Not the right one. You’ve been given the information.

Customer Support is a forum for players to assist other players with SFA oversight.

It is NOT Customer Service.

Because of it’s unique format, absolutely no other staff comes here and no feedback/suggestions/overall data is collected from here. Your posts fall on deaf ears, as it were. The Devs and Powers That Be will never see it while it is here.


Where should I post if not CUSTOMER SERVICE?

Not on this forum. No participant is in a position to foward anything to anyone. It is strictly a “players helping players” forum, and the limited company employee participation is restricted to moderation and advice to players.


You seem to be under a gross misunderstanding.

This forum is NOT for fixing things. It’s primarily informational (which you’ve been given) and also primarily player to player.

I think we are done here. If you’ve submitted an email, that’s really all you can do. Thank you.