My main has loremaster so I’m not opposed to doing zone quests for flavor or what have you. But they can’t laud Cata as being alt friendly then continually force us to do the same monotonous crap. My druid leveled in Vashyr and skipped Hyjal now I’m being penalized for that. I will now have to spend the time doing all the stupid quests in Hyjal before I can start the Molten Front. Why is there not a skip for secondary toons lord knows they have the technology for it. What possible reason is there to force their players to do a truckload of low level quests before doing the “New Area”
Is that what they do? Where are they lauding it as alt friendly compared to say, Retail?
I’m curious where this idea comes from, though for sure with the catch-up mechanics, it is quite alt friendly and an alt skip for Molten Front would just add to that alt friendliness…
My guess is that this is because it hasn’t been implemented. Which is probably because nobody has allocated development resources towards doing so, which might be because nobody has raised this as an issue that shows anyone with decision-making power that spending resources towards doing so would result in a return on investment through increased or maintained subscriptions.
Did you play original cata? Did you bother researching
the requirements to unlock molten front? Or did you just
come to the forums because you felt entitled to skips in the xpac and zone that takes 30 mins to complete the quests to unlock the molten front.
This isnt retail. There wasnt a skip for alts in origonal cata
Working as intended.
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