Why is there no Pride Month event?

Oooh yeah I’m gonna try to do that this year. :smiley:


I’ll be honest, I thought it was something sexual, so I wouldn’t have googled it lol.

Some one took it personally and escalated it. I was told because I followed the wrong authors and crowd. Some of the things that was said was outright nasty. Damage has been done. Bridges have been burned.

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Hey IF I can’t call ppl gay without being silenced then no pride month for anyone :rage:

Me? I didn’t take anything personally. I may have misunderstood the context. But I don’t anything personal on these forums.

I was talking to Ayukama, Where did I say anything like that.

I was just asking a question.

This is nothing more than when these things were nationally recognized. I can absolutely assure you there were people celebrating Jesus birth all over the world close to a thousand years before this. The same could be said about Easter. I’m obviously wrong in lumping Thanksgiving into this, because it obviously didn’t exist until the country was being discovered

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An incredibly awkward and out of place question, yes

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Thank you Mr. Educator. Got anything else that you can teach me?

I’m still waiting for you to address our previous conversation. I don’t cherry pick, I don’t expect anyone else to do it either.

Oh, no doubt about that, but in my opinion, they got the dates wrong, Jesus was born in the spring, and Christmas was a co-op of several pagan holidays to “convert” the local germanic tribes to Christianity. Same goes for Easter.


I have no idea what’s going on and I’m not going to ask.

I am gonna try to get some ingredients together once money is figured out for rainbow cupcakes!
:cupcake: :rainbow:


We’ve all been in the point where we’ve been in the wrong. You can ask the LGBTQIA+ community of my past, and they can tell you the same thing, I’ve also been in the wrong in the past.

Like, lets go back to the Pawzer situation, how you said to me in the ignore thread that you needed to work on some of your behaviour. Like, the main problem is that you have also partially engaged with another person who has been attacking the LGBTQIA+ community, where this person has chosen to use Twitter as a way to attack everyone, including towards myself, in a way that is spreading hate. Though if other members did have other reasons, I’m pretty sure they can speak to you about it personally, but I am only speaking from my own eyes.

And since this person still continues, even to this day, the entire drama continues. And this continues with the drama continuing between people, especially towards you because of past actions.


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Oh actually sams club has a big batch for 15 dollars. Probably be the easiest way.

Anyway bed time.

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Oh, share the popcorn.


That was a personal feud, that went on for a while, then it got made public. Went downhill from there.

I know, but also he shared other interests that I share. I don’t like being told who I can and cannot talk to. Same for what I can and cannot read. I like reading Harry Potter series and the Magical Beasts series, don’t like be called a bigot for that. I enjoy Robert Heinlein books, does that make me a fascist?


It isn’t what I am saying. Like, forgive me if parts of my post aren’t fully clear, still sort of well, recovering from yesterday.

I am not saying to not engage or not read, but when it comes to the messages that are directly attacking, that is what I am on about.

Oh yeah, that was very horrible for that to happen to you, sorry that it happened.


Well, I wish I could post the private messages I got, but not on these forums. I don’t don’t like being bullied, I do push back, I’m kind of old school about it. I also admit it does get me into trouble, at times.

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