They’re crashing the plane with no survivors.
Something about expecting one of us in the wreckage, I think? Couldn’t quite hear it as his voice was muffled by a mask.
They’re crashing the plane with no survivors.
Something about expecting one of us in the wreckage, I think? Couldn’t quite hear it as his voice was muffled by a mask.
I was talking to the pally, and he said he would pay for a free vacation.
I gave him a link and he said he may go with me. Didn’t specify on sleeping arrangements tho.
I snore / kick in sleep reason I ask.
this why we utilize the jump attack
It’s almost like mods are enjoying reading these posts.
Would explain all the free time they got to get angry over nothing
I don’t like jumping.
Makes it harder to escape.
Oh that poor cat lol
This is the most offensive thing in this thread.
The Godzilla movies are BiS!
So, they done getting coffee at Blizzard? Cause…this needs the monday morning sunday thread treatment.
/boop the fox
From some things that have been said thus far, it needs more than that. Genuine action in line with the forum code of conduct is needed.
It is interesting that they sell Pride merchandise but don’t have a Pride event in game.
While you are right…I won’t hold my breath.
exactly we need to start enacting the summer protocol. release the balls.
Almost like pride events are cash-grabs…
Thanks, fam