Its not that they cant its just…look its not a popular topic to bring up but tokenism is a really big problem right now with media. I won’t say no one is claiming what you are saying as there is always someone claiming something.
Trying to exuse it constantly though is why it became so prevalent over the years. On some level you have to see that.
You should get out of the basement and go get some fresh air. I heard it is a lovely day outside.
Someone makes a thread with that topic mentioned
Someone else talks about it
“Gee that’s weird, why would you share that information durrrrrr”
I mean… I’m literally half male half female and have both features in some way or another.
Go to google please! 
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You gonna pay for my ticket over there?
Cause I’m broke so.
idk i like it when we talking about summer stuff.
Oh thanks for correcting me. So much new stuff being added on daily basis, I sometimes get confused.
Damn hotfixes!
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Only if you come with.
What date you wanna go?
Roughly 3.1k a person so that would be 7.2k total for us both.
Also sleeping arrangements single bed or separate?
Did you come up with it recently? Haven’t seen you post about it yet in years of post history.
Oh I will. Because I am a straight female, married, and know nothing will happen to me. Now you try.
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Uh no lol
I’ve been pretty open about it for about… a year to 2 years now? Something like that.
*Sips coffee. *
Good morning, everyone. What’s going on in this thread?
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I think it’s time to nip something in the bud here.
Language used above suggests sending non-conforming individuals to areas and/or societies where they will be persecuted at best, and physically harmed or killed at worst. No matter how right one believes themselves to be, that is never right.
Just not on wow forums? Maybe different char?
People getting really angry people exist and getting even angrier when questioned about it
well i mean earlier we talking about rampaging beach balls idk what this all about.
It ain’t but I’ll take the money for a free safe tour.
I post on Fuzz for the most part. I post on an alt every so often but not too often.
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Beach balls are dangerous though

Someone could get hurt
That is the most inoffensive and anodyne statement in the world. That you consider it to be beyond the pale says more about you than it does them.
I’m starting to believe more and more they all got laid off.