Why is there no "Practice" for Visions?

It gets easier as time goes on because your cloak resistance goes up…

That’s a generous number. You’re assuming everyone is doing every single daily rather than just the weeklies and story quests.
I’d say 2-3 for most people.

I feel like this is just a filter for the new content. They don’t want everyone and their alt to be rank 7 and Bored by March. This must get us through the summer. I was level 120 days ago and did the cloak and vision with ilevel 370 wearing greens and blues… Now I have to gear up more and then I’ll grind out the visions slowly with hot fixes awarding me more and more vision abilities. Just chill out and play and die like the rest of us.

BtW if you are ilvl 440+ and struggle at all I highly recommend respec on talents…

lmao dude theyre so easy are you kidding me?? the first 5 ranks of your cloak you go straight to thrall/alleria then after that you clear bonus objectives and also the main objective. get your research abilities and decide if you wanna go solo or group play. You gotta be semi decent at the game but if you’re not even semi decent then idk man

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SSD space is cheap* if you still use a hard drive idk whats wrong with you lol

Their fault they’re not doing them

Some people have this thing called “real life responsibilities” where grinding for visions does not take precedence.

Completely agree, too many people complaining because they just want stuff handed to them. If you need practice for something that’s meant to be limited per week then you should prob uninstall

So you want to get the exact same thing as someone who plays more? ok bud

Literally never said that, genius.
I’m just saying that the average player isn’t liable to get the maximum number of runs in per week, so basing assumptions off that is fallacious.

This is also 100% easier than Ulduar was back in the day… I’m actually kinda glad I decided to come back for this. Love the Old God lore!!

Quit using big words to sound intelligent :rofl: what you responded to was you saying some people don’t have as much time. So play more then

True man, idk people are so spoiled nowadays and expect everything handed to them

They expansion is over. There is no need for a practice mode. We have 10 or less months to deal with the way the visions are set up.

The point
Your head

I sorry me use big word. Me use small word so you no feel bad.
Dis good? Me try say again.

It lie if say people get many thing all of time. It true that some people get many thing, but most people only get some of thing.

It okay if people who no play lots get less thing. It okay if people who play lots get more thing, but people who play lots are not most people.

True, most players are very casual and like easier content that gives them cosmetic benefits and pets/mounts. This was released at the final stage of this expansion for the more dedicated player base as End Game. I don’t wish bad on anyone and don’t look down on people who want something that’s easier. Just play and have fun. :wink:

Same there was no “practice mode” for the Mage Tower, except doing it over and over.

It’s meant to be a challenge.

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We’re going to be so bored with Visions in 6 weeks, in hindsight all of this hand wringing is going to look even more embarrassing that it does now.


As an aside/extension to this: I’ve already been asked to help w/ more groups than I’m able (I only have 3 toons capable so far). It seems (to me) that it would be fair to allow running them arbitrarily, just allowing no loot for the people who either don’t have, or don’t spend, a vessel prior to entering the instance.

I think it is tuned to be a challenge. Of my three toons that tried, only one made the first practice run.

Other than that I only died twice - trying to do side objectives - so want to learn that better.

The grinding for the mats is definitely too high. 50 for a quests when you need 10,000.

With the problem of picking up side objectives, I really don’t want to rely on guild mates for a carry, so need to solo this, but also do some mythics for better gear.