Why is there no "Practice" for Visions?

And besides, as pointed out, you can do infinite runs in the PTR. But it is ridiculous that to get practice you essentially have to play a different game.

You can compare and contrast this problem with the teams in the Mythic Dungeon International circuit. They will run the same thing over and over and over until they can do +15 dungeons in about 10 minutes. Now say you could run Horrific Visions over and over in a practice format. Eventually you’d be able to complete it perfectly every time. Where is the fun in that? Adding the limit to access adds to the danger and fear of losing. Personally, I like it when the stakes are high. The day will come when the visions are a breeze to complete, but right now they are challenging.

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Agree. I’d rather figure out my own strategy than rely on someone else’s work. Even if running it gets no reward.

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Shut up.


Copy character to ptr and practice… there ya go

I think blizz made it so majority would fail first run. I know I did, and I learned from my mistake. My 2nd run was success, i knew what to look for, and having orb sure made it easier.

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I hope they take it down. Of course repetition makes content easier. People like you detract from the game because Blizzard has to constantly cater to the lowest common denominator. People like you force them to design content with several difficulty levels.

Learn to play. Challenge yourself. Get better. That used to be the entire point of video games.

These visions aren’t that hard. They will become trivial as your ilevel goes up and your cloak and table level up.

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How am I not challenging myself by doing the exact same content as you? I want to do the same content, I just want to have the option to practice more. I’m not really seeing how that is an issue. Plus it has no effect on any other player. If you don’t want to practice, cool have fun. And if you want to walk around with a superiority complex, go right ahead friend. Meanwhile, us “lesser” folks would like the opportunity to learn the content because unlike you and your like, we aren’t perfect and would rather take our time to learn stuff. Thanks for your opinion though. Good to hear from a far better player.

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Not to mention before too long, if we do only get 1 quest a week for an upgrade item, we’ll be swimming in the stuff we need to run them.


Exactly, this sort of content was a major missing gap. I love the fact that there is no way to 100% test your method until you’re so confident there’s extremely minimal risk of loss. It’s something you need to judge on the fly. If you’re raiding or playing with a group that is demanding you’re always at the 100% leading edge of gear and equipment, you’ve probably been on PTR already to learn the bosses before they’re released…

Also, as Voxplaga mentioned, catching up to the gated max level is not a problem and a lot easier than anyone seems to be crying about.


The “practice” mode is you failing the run. This is content that will be around for close to a year and you get to do it multiple times a week, they even just increased the visions rewarded from dailies and it’s gated so you can catch up if you do mess up. We really don’t need the one piece of challenging solo content introduced since mage tower being a cakewalk, because you want instant gratification.

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You can watch YouTube videos, read tutorials, or group up with other players. Take all the time you want.

You get 3-4 runs per week and only need one cloak upgrade. Consider the first couple “practice” and learn from your mistakes.

You can do this! Stop beating up on yourself.


Weird. Other MMOs let you practice the game’s mechanics without needing you to install the game a second time. I guess this impoverished indie company just can’t handle that.


I have virtually zero experience in high level content, but name one form of content that doesn’t have you pulling bosses at a high level and failing over and over again until you are successful with a time gate? There isn’t one. Raiding? Pull again and again until you get it. Mythic plus, trudge through until you complete the dungeon. There isn’t a single piece of content in the game and to my knowledge there never has been where you do it and if you fail the first time, oh too bad wait until next week.
I have no issue with the level of difficulty. I have no issue with failing over and over again until I get it. That makes it more interesting and rewarding to complete. But to have to wait a week before you can even DO the content again? Which yes, you get 3 runs, but thats it. Heck, I would take 1 one rewarding run a week if I can practice as much as I like with no reward.

Videos can only get you so far, at a certain point, you have to get in there and experience trial and error. Which is fine, fail fail and fail again, i have no problem with. But I lose absolutely all interest if I fail once and get the “too bad come back next week” time metric. It’s ridiculous. But that’s fine we have a difference in opinion. Blizzard isn’t going to include a practice version, despite quite a bit of people wanting it. It is what it is

They’re really not ‘that’ punishing. I’ve completed them on undergeared characters after getting my cloak, and sure, sometimes it’s gotten down to the wire and I’ve only been a few seconds away from losing all sanity, but I still managed it.

You will have plenty of time to level your cloak, and plenty of opportunities to get currency to buy access to the visions. Failing a few times isn’t the end of the world.

The Mage Tower was similar, but this is more severe when it comes to resource costs. The MT you could get resources for a few runs fairly easily from WQ’s, events, and such. Similarly, here you can get your first few runs fairly easily - 3-4 per week if you’re focused. You can then really strain to farm for another 1 or 2 (this takes massive effort).

The resource cost and obtainable sources was similar in concept, just the resource cost per grinding-time investment was lower. I think (my opinion here) that they did this to prevent it from being infinitely grindable, which is something people have been complaining about. If you want to infinitely grind resources to go in more, then people would be complaining about another infinite grind.

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Wouldn’t making a practice mode kind of solve that issue though? Perhaps I’m wrong here, but to me it sounds like the solution would be to time gate runs that actually have an effect the power gain to a character, but allow people to run as many runs as you would like without any power gain. Plus I’m a little confused by the time gating on runs per week anyway considering they already put a time gate on the cloak upgrade.

A “Practice Mode” is something that is/would be a completely brand new concept. There is no practice mode for anything else now or before. Think of bosses in M+: if it’s your first time at the 3rd boss, there is no practice you can go into to practice it… MT was the same - no “practice mode”. It’d be an interesting concept to practice zones, but idk how it would fit in with a system that is meant to have dynamic determination of risk/reward on the fly.

Also, FYI: The map that you can view from Wrathion, if you mouse over the other zones, it describes which zones could be challenging based on your current mask/cloak setup/level.

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I see what you’re saying. Maybe it comes down to a matter of perspective.
For example, in a mythic plus run, you can fight that boss as many times as you would like until either its dead or the group quits. To me, that feels like a practice run. Now when you are running the dungeon for a timed completion, there is your legitimate run.
Same with raids, people who have a crazy amount of wipes to a mythic boss, that is for practice until you figure it out. Which you can do as many times as you like until the boss goes down. Thus those are “practice” runs.
Perhaps I oversimplify the visions system on how it could be implemented, but I do feel it would be a worthy investment from blizzard, at least from myself. As it would provide extra “player-made” content by way of players setting personal goals to accomplish without feeling the need to get it perfect the first time.
But I do hear your points and I can see the merits to the system that is currently in place. The risk/reward system is definitely gratifying when you are successful, I just wish there was a healthy alternative for those of us that take a little bit longer to figure something out.
Ultimately, as pointed out, eventually this will all be moot as within the next 4 or 5 months, we will all reach cloak level 15 and be geared to the teeth as we patiently wait for Shadowlands, doing Visions purely for the fun of it.

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