Why is There Even a Debate on Cross Faction BGS

I actually have really enjoyed the alliance story vs horde this expansion.

I completed “a nation united” last night and I really liked the conflict presented within Jaina over her past choices

I’m not a huge lore guy in general, but I find bfa and the faction conflict far more interesting than attacking space demons.

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Yes I did it on my mage. Again she has promise, she’s just a young character.

Woa woa woa what?! He was super cool! Making a deal with the devil and then it kinda just back fired?!

Ehhhhh… She’s alright. Not super inspiring but definitely not lame.

Seriously sylvanas is an amazing character. Such a long and rich history. She’s acting exactly how she should!

The only dumb piece is blizzard putting her in charge of the horde to appeal to the fanboys. She’s an excellent leader of the undead, not horde.

100% … Living in the wc3 universe is what brought me into this game.

I meant he’s dumb, as in he made a bunch of stupid decisions. I actually dig Rastakan

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IDK, I feel her character’s kind of run it’s course if I’m honest. She was good back when she was a banshee trying to put herself back into the world, but for years now she’s been a mustache twirling heel for the sake of it.

There’s just not much use/relevance for the Forsaken anymore, and that’s likely why it’s that way. And probably also why they they forced them into the limelight with Teldrassil and Voljin ghost tomfoolery.

I’m sure it’ll go somewhere interesting, but not due to Sylvanas persay. Reactions to her, but not “her-her”.

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You never let me down

Also, how can a panda worry about lore?

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From an RP perspective it would be strange to do wsg with cross faction but i mean it would fix the queue times, also if you think about it the player character is more like a mercenary than someone who has any faction loyalty.

Swearing his offspring to Bwonsamdi was dubious of course, but his loa Rezan got assassinated and he needed a new one. Can’t live to 1000 or whatever just by eating organic kale.

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The pandas should be blamed at this point.

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Yea…I’m sure he couldn’t have convinced one if the other 20 Loa’s…

Well I think bwansamdi is the strongest after his was killed? Fits his character. Kinda your classic royalty… Doesn’t want to lose their power for anything.

I thought the Loas were relatively equal? Not sure though.

I mean Gronk is pretty badass…

Baron Samedi, I mean Bwonsamdi is one of the most powerful. He had no reason to suspect anything. It’s probably not a bad deal either, considering how many more nefarious “death” entities are out there. I’d rather have Bwon in my corner than the others “death” guys. One way to safeguard yourself against Sylvanas and Bolvar, I suppose.

“No, no, no, mon. You not be takin my Jarawana now.” yoink

So how do the Loa’s get their power then, if some are stronger than the others? I had the impression they were all relatively equal.

Personally me…I would have went with the badass raptor Loa. Instead of the death Loa that’s gonna curse my family…

it would work just fine. i play both factions anyway and it wouldnt bother me at all

the lore is becoming stupid and bloated anyway, the “war” could end as soon as blizzard says so

Allying with a Loa that demands a constant stream of souls is a much better bet IMO. He will never want your family line to die, as that would deny him a lot of souls over time. He is the most powerful, so if you can handle your family dying from time to time, he’s a much better bet.

Considering how many Loa are dying out, I wouldn’t put my money on the raptor :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re a panda. That obsoletes your opinion on faction identity lol.

I’d be fine with Pandas being able to play on either faction in BGs though.

I have no idea. There’s definitely a power spectrum, though. Some are like Kragwa , and some are like Jani. The BfA featured loa are so great.

Oh and also consider the main BfA Horde story basically involves the apparent murder spree of loa by the the blood trolls. Can the loa of death even be killed? Maybe that was his thinking.

Story of the Horde’s life. Get powerful character, instantly butchered/corrupted then butchered.

i also have an alliance druid and horde demon hunter i play on.

horde pandas can do what you said with mercenary mode, they dont change like other races

merc mode isnt really faction less though