Why is there a 1 hour cooldown on TOYS?

So i just bought this Legion Pocket Portal from broken isles for 7500 nethershards. i knew it was completely useless and you couldnt even enter it and i was fine with that but then i found out it has a 1 HOUR COOLDOWN?? and it only lasts for 10 seconds. why would they put such a long cooldown on a useless toy? i wanted to continually cast it in goldshire or take a pic with my warlock in front of it.


Because Blizzard doesn’t want players having too much fun


Probably to keep ppl from spamming them in groups.


Are you trying to exceed your hourly fun ration, citizen? Reported.


This. What a non-issue lol.

i guess so

Because people cried endlessly when someone would drop the train toy or use toys to increase player size to sit on mailboxes to troll people. Some people i’ve seen would literally have meltdowns over it.

oh i see. well can they at least put the cooldown on things that can troll people? and let us use all the tiny things as much as we want

They already had cooldowns. Made most of the cooldowns longer to my knowledge.

If Blizzard had a brain:

Add a “Disable all Toy Effects” option in the system menu. Then globally lower the cooldown of all toys.

Blizzard doesn’t want players making their own fun so they try to control it and dictate what is fun for us.

No joke.

Should have seen the amount of nerfs and changes they would make just because a couple players did something “not intended”.

They would look at PvP videos, see the popular specs and then nerf them just because they were popular builds.

Laughs in Rextroy

There is absolutely nothing consistent about the restrictions on toys.

Cool downs, who you can use them on ( anybody, faction, party ), how long effects last, and where you can use them ( anywhere, no instance, only certian zones.)

It’s just all over the place.

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Sorry but as a nerd im just saying this is harder to implement code-wise than you may expect. Especially if say, a boss ability shares a texture or sprite.

I mean, I’m not saying blizzard can’t do it, they’re a multi-dollar company, but it’d lead to a lot of bugs for a while with it methinks

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They’re consistently stupid

Not exactly true. Anything that can modify someone else’s character have longer CDs. Anything that turns your character into another model have significantly longer CDs. Anything that spawns an item have like 30m CDs.

The exception being the reflecting prism which you can spam indefinitely, so i’m surprised that it doesn’t have a CD at all. You can force someone else to wear your toon all the time if they’re in the party, or if they don’t have a neural dampener on.

:joy: :ok_hand:

Turkey gun - 5 minutes use on anybody. Jerry the snail where you just drive a snail around - 30 minutes. Moonfeather statue - 1 day, judgement of mechagon - 1 hour.

It’s just all over the place with no discernible rhyme or reason to any of it.

“Some fun allowed.”

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The solution to the toy train imo was the best one.

They added another toy to destroy the toy. Just keep adding toys to mess with other toys, feed my addiction blizzard.

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