Why is the Jailer bad?

I see nothing suspicious about that, Wrathion can do no wrong :kissing_heart:

Or giving the players everything want or need and then having to make it hard so they will like it? A la the Matrix guys

I have asked this for a long time. His siblings took his anima and threw him in the Maw. It probably doesn’t bode well for your psychological state.

The Shadowlands are all hell except for Ardenweald so we should let him try and fix it.

Right! … :kissing_heart:

Yep, yep. Yep, that’s what I mean!!!

You know, I’d be down with what he was saying IF the Maw and Torghast weren’t filled to the brim with torture and the like. If we went to the Maw and found out he was actually trying to save the souls that came in because they were caught in the middle so they were in limbo somewhere…or he was doing his arbiter duties and separating the good from the bad, then I could see a case for him being a sympathetic character. However, he’s basically dominating/subjugating everyone. Nothing good about that. His zone is filled with too much suffering that a “good guy” just wouldn’t let happen if they were really trying to help everyone.

Maybe he didn’t like the system. That’s fine…and it’s easy to see that it needed some work. The way he went about trying to fix it is bad.



That’s not necessarily on the Jailer. The Maw serves a purpose that nobody in the Shadowlands is against.

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There is no real fleshing out of the Jailer unfortunately. Instead it was just plopping him into different areas of the WoW storyline so we don’t really get to understand the character.

People may see his motive as one of good but he’s exhibited more villainous traits and has become pretty much a megalomaniac once he got all the sigils and transformed into Torghast NPC #42109 (lol)


Yup, I agree, which would actually make his character a tad more interesting. My post you replied to was merely putting forth why I see people thinking that the Jailer may be good, or are not clear as to why he is painted as the villain.

The Primus’ intention was to kind of try to humble him. Send him somewhere horrible where he could think about what he did wrong. Turns out it had the opposite effect and made it worse. Who knew?

Most of the SL are great though. There’s infinite realms out there and most souls go to places that best suit their interests and character. So like personal paradises.

These four covenants are only a few drops in an ocean, but they’re the ones with actual responsibilities. And only Revendreth is particularly bad, but that’s only for evildoers who had it coming.

Wasn’t Revendreth meant to atone for your sins and the MaW was for the really bad beings that got locked away.

Except he didn’t? That was the lie he told Sylvanas. Which like a moron she believed. Imagine, the guy whose entire day revolves around torturing innocent souls until they’re destroyed or they break and are enslaved to him is a BAD guy.


You misunderstood what I was trying to say.
I was laying out the motives, lie or not and how some people may have perceived it if they looked at it at face value without any analysis of said surrounding context as you mentioned w/ sylvanas and it being a lie.

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I wish there were more connections made linking him to the bad things that we can actually see or get more tidbits than we got to really make me hate him but as is I’m just like meh. Whatever.

Elisande was a better villain in these regards. Most of our past enemies are.

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EXCEPT…the screams and pain are supposed to be for the evil and souls that cannot be redeemed. What we have here is that ALL souls are directed there and then tortured/subjugated even if they didn’t deserve it. Noble souls are supposed to go somewhere else. He knows this and allows the torture to happen anyway.

Though, I would imagine just throwing Baine off of a cliff would be a giveaway, too. Heh, heh.



UM ACTUALLY UR WRONG, see timestamp 8:20 giggles after adjusting goggles

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why that’s quite simple, he’s bad because he was written by the WoW story team, 98% of the characters they write are badly written duh.

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So fighting until your permanent death is a great afterlife and losing all your memories? From my perspective 75% of the Shadowlands is likely unbearable.

The other eternal ones literally ripped a whole in Zovaal’s chest. If my sibling did that to me… I probably would hold a grudge.

The ‘bad’ things are there. It’s more that they put forward this titan size of a character [lore wise supposedly after retcons] to really expect people to care. Most don’t from what I’ve seen 'cause no real character building happened over time to really care about said character.

It’s hard to care about what he does when they just write him in, barely flesh him out, and want you to feel like he is some big baddie. It’s bad writing to an extent but that’s this writing team for you.

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