During DF Blizzard release a poll of what people roughly engage with in the game.
There are so many ways to play World of Warcraft, which one is your favorite? poll Don’t hesitate to tell us why in a post below.
It isn’t entirely up to date anymore but it is close enough that we can reasonably draw some conclusions from it, and this data was backed up with logs from RaiderIO back when this poll was made:
- Roughly 40-50% of the player base across all versions of the game engage in endgame PvE. With the inclusion of Delves, my personal guess is that the number is going to rise up to be between 50-65%, so take your pick of these numbers.
- When classic released lots and lots of folks established a narrative that “Classic is so much better because it takes so much longer to do stuff” when… Ragnaros was dead within a week of Classic opening, and Blackrock Lair was cleared in… under 2 hours IIRC? Point is this, even in Classic, people play the game to go as fast as possible.
- Just by queuing for LFD in-game. Folks don’t go slowly and folks don’t want to. Literally your thread exists because you experienced this and thought “Hey, this is a problem” and I’m stating it ain’t … folks are just doing what we as players have ALWAYS been doing since Vanilla.
So those are the “folks” I’m referring to. Which… effectively means everyone except for people who just play the game to level characters, transmog hunt, do the storyline and then wait for other patches, and so on. When I say “folks” I mean “effectively everyone who plays the game and engages in endgame PvE content.” As we see the same thing happening in Delves as well - I’m not particularly good at Delves so I haven’t figured out how folks are completing them as insanely quickly as folks are but…
There you go.

I think it is funny you had to resort to calling me a troll with the very first comment you made in this thread. You are THE EXACT type of players I’m encountering in dungeons.
I don’t run LFDs, so I have no idea how you would ever encounter me. But yes, I’m referring to you as a troll since everything you have said eludes towards it … and you openly admitted to changing forum characters meaning that there’s a good likelihood I probably have you on my ignore or muted list, judging by how you are behaving in this thread.

You are the embodiment of the modern gamer on full display here.
I don’t think I agree with you that “modern gamers” care as much about intellectual honesty and honest discourse than what I do but… I can’t say I care either way?
You seem to think these things are a negative and I don’t so, eh?