They can add every dispel to healer and then turn the talents into specialists for their preferred cure type
Purify - removes all curse, poison, disease and magic effects from a target
Disease specialist - successfully removing a disease restores X% mana and reduces damage you take by 3% for 4 seconds.
Remove corruption - removes all curse, poison, disease and magic effects from a target
curse specialist - successfully removing a curse …
Etc etc
Similar to the interrupts giving bonuses for successfully interrupting
Why is it a bad thing that certain healers excel at poison and curse dispelling or interrupting. Every healer should have its niche, the dungeons are just overturned and over complex.
any shaman can grab decurse or psn cleansing totem and not hurt their damage. Also m+ feels terrible when bosses one shot you in a freaking +3 key. Ive seen more people die to the waves during the 3rd boss in Siege than any other boss simply because the waves one shot you. That’s ridiculous.
In legion’s last patch I went world 90 in m+ as a rsham healer. Rsham went without any buffs during legion. Legion was the worst expansion for resto shamans in m+. The funny thing is legion focused more on tank damage than party damage. Rshamans didnt have a tank external (and still dont) so tanks would just die to tank busters in high keys. Rsham’s toolkit was still really good , almost comparable to what it is now except the healing was less and no tank external.
well tbf wave is the only mechanic of that fight , if u fail at that…when its clearly telegraphed , if u can survive the wave then whats the point of it? , u just put the burden on the heals again …that need to top every1 before waves because who cares about waves if u can survive it.
But the model is different lost ark gates Its progression heavily behind massive amounts of paywalls; its like playing raid shadowledgends as f2p, something I did and got pretty far in before quitting. You can always make the gold you need in WOW to buy an AOTC carry if you want with reasonable gameplay, plus, as I said, most the players who play Lost Ark type of games are always moving on when the next big thing comes out. It’s probably one reason so many of us come back to WOW. No matter how much time seems to pass, people are still playing it. We know we are not coming back to a dead game. Sure, we may quit for a few months, some even years, but many come back.
The closest was s3 BFA, and this season is far worse for imbalance by a much wider margin. Its only getting worse too as more and more healers move to shaman
They need to homogenize dispels, or they need to have an equal number of every kind of dispel in every dungeon so that you will suffer regardless of what kinda healer you get.
Nobody likes homogenization, but if the encounter team can’t equally distribute cool things each class can do to help the group along – homogenization is the only option.
And cause I didn’t use the word homogenize enough times–
Mass Dispel use to be a 45-sec CD. – Blizzard Nerfed it to 2-mins because it was being used to counter an entire Affix and “PvPer were crying about it as well”
Just code the totem to not work on the Affix… Instead of nerfing it to the ground. – They could’ve easily done that with Mass Dispel as well.
Instead they gimped an entire ability for the sake that it broke one of Blizzards toys, and instead of buffing their toy, they take a toy away from the players.
There is absolutely no critical thinking at Blizzard.
Oh no, I don’t want poison cleanse totem nerfed, I want mass dispel buffed. The answer isn’t to nerf shaman, its to raise all the other healing classes to their level.
This isn’t Blizzards philosophy. – They rather piss off the majority of their community and hemorrhage subscribers before they admit that they are wrong.
Same crap happened with Helldivers. They had massive success, and a huge player count. Then they got in their heads that the game was “Too Easy” and that certain guns were OP and didn’t feel like players should have to take those weapons… So instead of buffing weapons that were bad, they nerfed all the good weapons.
Then on top of that, buffed all the enemies. Which dramatically increased the difficulty. – Then guess what. They lost over 80% of their player base.
All because, the developer’s felt that the game wasn’t being played the way they felt the players should be playing it.
Then after the game nearly died, they made huge changes by nerfing enemies and overbuffing a ton of their underperforming weapons. – Needless to say, a surge of players came back.
Disc doesn’t do enough damage imo even with the 100% atonement in 5mans. – Disc is good, it’s better than Holy. BUT… if you get behind in heals at any point, or damage begins overlapping, it’s incredibly hard to recover.
imo the only reason why Disc is better than Holy is because of the Defensive CDs, thats its only real edge.