there is usually 1 healer that is at the top , same for tanks DH was like 90%
sometimes there are even 2 heals or tanks that are amazing…
but yeah the balance is horrible for M+ , raids well thats another matter
i leveled priest to 80 and decided to not even bother , wanted to play pala but pala in M+ is usually not fun , the lack of aoe healing outside Cds is bothersome
This is why I take Ultimate Penitence for dungeons. The WoWhead build doesn’t take it which is weird to me. Jak will be like, “oh use PW:B on yourself and the tank in pugs, it’s fine if it isn’t optimal”. Might as well just take both then wtf? He’s the one who writes the Priest build guides on WoWhead. Smh.
This is what the people calling Resto Sham OP are missing. The tradeoff for all their utility is they can go OOM, so it’s a weird thing to balance. Their raw healing output isn’t that special, and it has a downside. Their utility kit is just really strong for the current season and the new affixes. I don’t think there’s really a fix needed. Blizz is buffing the healing output of Resto Druid so maybe that will help, and the season 2 dungeon mix might make some other healer shine.
Like if in Season 2 timers are tighter but there aren’t as many spells to interrupt and cc required, groups will probably prefer a healer that can bring high dps, and then fistweaver monks, catweaving druids, and disc priests can shine. The lesson is to have a stable of alts so you’re ready to roll with the current flavor of the month whenever things change, because we know things will change and one class will have advantages over others.
My problem is I don’t always like the flavor of the month class and hate feeling like I am being excluded from content because I don’t enjoy a certain playstyle. I wish there was a way for the devs to make all healer classes more or less even on utility while also keeping class identity.
For sure, I think at minimum it would be nice if all healers had a short cooldown ranged interrupt, and dispels were all a universal clear. I get the “flavor” of some classes having disease vs poison vs curses, but with mythic+ being the end game pillar that it is, I feel like those are the two big areas that would put healers on equal footing. I would prefer to play Holy Priest, but they can’t cure poison or curses and can’t interrupt spells on a short cooldown, so yeah.
Class flavor would still be preserved by the way each class heals. Druids use HoTs, Priests use big mana efficient single target heals, Shaman have a mix of both and powerful cooldowns but can go OOM, etc. I think the different healing styles are pretty unique, and raw output could be tweaked to be similar, so it’s really just a couple utility things to make sure all specs have access to them.
I’ve been crying about having the healing/utility kits being streamlined for years and the difference in flavor being more how the heals are done instead of “X healer just can’t do or must absolutely suck at Y”. It comes an ancient era where classes were designed with gaping holes in their kits and this was considered balance.
Anyone remember when Paladin tanks didn’t even have a taunt because it made them unique? This is the same “priests don’t need an interrupt” energy to me.
people will really write a massive dissertation on the selfishness of others before even considering that they can just make some friends to play this game with and then play with their friends.
I think they see this as a playerbase problem that they think players can resolve by making different choices.
Ion hasn’t logged into that character since season 2 of shadowlands. The GM is now a paladin who doesn’t do transmog, so my guess is Ion is now playing paladin.
They’re waiting for casuals to roll/level/gear shamans. Then the hammer will come down.
The fact that the #1 best disc priest in the game is able to do well is not relevant. If 50% of shamans are able to succeed while only .001% of disc priests, that’s a demonstration of a design failure, not a player problem that players should be able to fix.
They should. It feels wrong for shamans to be able to drop Poison Cleansing Totem on a 30 sec CD and cheese so many mechanics in this dungeon pool, while priests are still sitting with the Mass Dispel nerf.
That’s what I’m worried about honestly, if they nerf shamans then that still leaves a bunch of healers without kits to deal with stuff and everyone suffers instead. That’s not what we want Blizzard!
This game is similar though - you can buy the mounts, titles, and gear right out of trade, while the content is so hard that only a small portion of the population can do it.
Mass Dispell, it has a 2 min cooldown and the affix you can use it on this week has a 70 second cooldown, so you can only get every other one. But Poison Cleansing Totem works on it and only has a 45 sec cooldown so you can get every single one.