Why Is The Average Casual So Complacent Or Even Happy About The 30 Instance Cap

There’s no shortage of people demanding changes to limit the playstyle of others, though, and this 30 instance cap is a perfect example of the results of those demands.

Oh, so this is envy. You’re upset you can’t compete or earn as much gold, so rather than learning to make more or playing more often, you try to bring everyone else down.


Not really, blizzard added a rule in vanilla to cap instances at 5 runs per hour. The people bumping up against the 30 runs per day are almost exclusively people who were already bumping up against that rule. Yet somehow didn’t get the message maybe this isn’t how blizzard ever intended me to play.


Because the way the 2nd group chooses to play has serious ramifications for the 1st group.

Basically, if it didn’t impact anyone else, your point would be valid. But it does. It impacts the entire economy that we are ALL subject to. So, anything related to economy is everyone’s business.


Nope not envious. Not upset either. I can’t earn as much gold or farm resources at the rate someone who does more than 30 instances a day. Its not me trying to bring “everyone else” down its “everyone else” playing the way I do and blizz realizing that in order for this game to work, normal people need to have a chance at it. Everyone is always so adamant about not letting this game become pay to win but it already is. You pay in time rather than dollars.


So does any and everything. It’s an MMO. Why does “serious ramifications” justify totally eliminating that type of playstyle?

Also, can you even clearly define “serious ramifications” and why they’re a bad thing? For example, how does a Druid farming MCPs all day have serious ramifications on other players? How does that affect the economy?

Clearly you are, because you’re seeing that someone makes more gold than you and you have to stop them from being able to make more gold than you. That’s clearly what this is about given what you said:

Druids are an afterthought and nobody really cares about them. They are often collateral damage. That is true to vanilla.

In addition, the inability to farm a bajillion MCPs does not restrict the ability of a druid to perform its function in raid. It only impacts parsing, which is not a core feature of the game. It’s a player made up mini-game.


You forgot this part, it is kind of important…

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It’s not eliminated, it’s merely limited. Big difference.


Setting the baseline for casual cats so high that they have gone extinct. You literally deleted another playstyle with this beahviour. How’s the shoe feel on the other foot?


It has nothing to do with “spamming dungeons” and everything to do with capping bot activity.

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Which revolve around spamming dungeon resets. And arguing that you should be able to play the same as a bot is not as compelling of an argument as you seem to think.


Apathy? For me it is. I don’t care that the change was made because it doesn’t effect me and this is just a video game.

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That is your argument, not mine. It was added in 1.9.

According to an old post of yours in 2019 that the internet provided, you believed it was a hardware limitation. And with the original server system, this was likely the case.

Interesting how your opinion changed.

What’s the problem? You’re saying I’m supposed to care?

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That was certainly part of it, instance servers were getting over loaded.

Existential post. Guild name checks out.

This change isn’t, though.

Restrict? No, but it does make it more inconvenient (for no real reason, honestly) to perform to their full potential.

How about Warriors? How does a Warrior farming SGC affect the economy?

Yeah, playing the game more means you earn more. That’s how it works.

Nonsense. Casuals of all specs exist, and the fact some people put in extraordinary effort to perform doesn’t detract at all from the ability of casuals to enjoy their class… well, casually.

If anything, it’d be the power shifting and the debuff cap that scares away casual cats.

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Well for one, there are too many warriors, driving up the cost of anything related to them even indirectly.

The more that get frustrated cause they cant farm their stuff and reroll, the better off the game will be.

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That’d be true if the supply weren’t similarly driven up by the fact there’s 10x more people on a realm than there were in vanilla.

This also doesn’t do anything to address the number of Warriors. There’s still just as many Warriors, only now it takes them longer (in real time) to get their BiS. If anything, this change only further drives up prices since people can farm less.

I mean, I didn’t get my epic mount in vanilla until part of the way into BC and never got epic flying before quitting.

Classic? All of my characters have their epic mounts Immediately and I almost have enough for epic flying on one of my characters right now. That’s with almost no farming exclusively off of transmutes profits and raiding.

Gold inflation is a real concern with items going for 10k plus for a mid 40s epic.

But no, this play style has no impact on other people. It’s kinda sad how people have been conditioned to approach an MMO like it’s a single player game.